Perfect time for a gender determination session! Are you having a girl or a boy? 17 weeks 20 Weeks Peek-a-Boo! 22-26 Weeks - Starts the recommended time frame for doing 3D/4D if you are having twins or multiples. 26 Weeks - Starts the recommended time frame for doing 3D/4D ...
23 signs you're having a boy Your baby's heartbeat is lower than 140 beats per minute. You're carrying all out front. You're carrying low. You're blooming in pregnancy. You didn't suffer from morning sickness in your first trimester. ...
The fetal position is the medical term used to describe yourTotally Comfy Pre-Born Position. You’re all curled up into a comfy little ball in there and while mom may notice you rattling around a bit, you’re actually pretty chilled out and relaxed. I mean, there’s a reasonLa-Z-Boyd...