生长发育受限,又称Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS) 症状,是指由于胎儿期酒精暴露导致的生长指标低于正常水平,如身高和体重。这种缺陷可能在个体的一生中任何时候被评估,评估时需要考虑父母的身高、胎龄以及出生后的其他因素,如营养状况。最理想的评估是基于婴儿出生时的身高和体重。如果孩子的身高或体重低...
胎儿酒精综合症(Fetal Alcohol Syndrome,简称FAS)是一种无法完全治愈的病症,由于中枢神经系统受损是永久性的,治疗的目标是缓解症状和改善生活质量。没有单一的治疗方法,而是需要根据个体的特定需求采取多模式的综合治疗。药物治疗是常规手段,如精神药品,用于处理与FAS相关的症状,如注意力不足过动症。
The symptoms offetal alcohol syndrometend to get worse as a person grows up. Partial fetal alcohol syndrome A child is considered to have partial fetal alcohol syndrome when they have been exposed to alcohol in the womb and have some but not all of the traits linked to FAS. ...
FETAL ALCOHOL SYNDROME (FAS) is the leading known cause of mental retardation and birth defects in the world.1,2 It is caused by in utero exposure to alcohol and is entirely preventable. Because alcohol is a known teratogen and the damage done to a fetus by alcohol exposure is permanent, ...
Fetal alcohol syndrome is a group of conditions that result from a mother's alcohol consumption while pregnant. Read about symptoms, prevention, and treatment of FAS.
Often women do not know they are pregnant until they have pregnancy symptoms. Your unborn baby may be 1 or 2 months along before you even know you are pregnant. A baby's brain and body organs form during the first 13 weeks of pregnancy. Alcohol during this time may cause FAS....
Fetal Alcohol Syndrome The mechanism by which the abnormalities of thefetal alcohol syndromeare produced is unknown, but it is thought to be due to a direct teratogenic effect. There is no general agreement regarding the limits of vulnerability of the fetus in terms of gestational age. To ...