Festool TS 55 FEQ-F-Plus Plunge Cut Track Saw While a standard circular saw is a useful tool, the Festool Track saw, with its ability for doing precision work, is in a class all its own. Smoothly sliding on an extruded aluminum rail, you simply lay the edge of the guide rail directly...
TS 55圆锯+1.4米导轨1根,圆锯+导轨+吸尘袋+夹具简配套装,圆锯+双导轨+吸尘袋+连接件,圆锯+双导轨标准套餐,1.4米导轨一根,1.4米新款导轨,2.7米导轨一根,3米导轨一根,简易夹具*2个,快速夹具*1个,导轨连接件,简易吸尘袋*1个,角度限位器FS-WA,常用锯片,圆锯片()铝材和塑料,圆锯片(免漆和薄板),圆锯片(水泥纤...
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Festool Cordless Track Saw TSC 55 5,0 KEBI-F-Plus ➜ Improved control thanks to unique kickback stop ✔ Exceptional torque ✔ Greater power and endurance ✔ All information directly from the manufacturer ➨ www.festoolcanada.com
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REQ also has the solid build and precision that have become the hallmark of Festool. The price is high but not astronomical compared to it’s competitors of which there are few for this specialty tool. If you’re in the market for a track saw you can’t go wrong with the TS 55 REQ...
TS55F新款轨道锯,锯片厚度1.8mm,大促进行中,3988送1.4米导轨一根#618抖音好物节 #festool费斯托工具 #抖in好物 #喜欢就关注我吧 #木工 - FESTOOL费斯托工具-青岛银帆于20220525发布在抖音,已经收获了17.7万个喜欢,来抖音,记录美好生活!
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