Festool Canada: German-engineered power tools and accessories for the toughest demands, such as plunge-cut saws, circular saws, jigsaws, cordless drills, joining machines and routers.
Festool USA: German-engineered power tools and accessories for the toughest demands, such as plunge-cut saws, circular saws, jigsaws, cordless drills, joining machines and routers.
Festool power tools and accessories for the toughest demands, such as plunge-cut saws, circular saws, jigsaws, cordless drills, joining machines and routers.
Festool power tools and accessories for the toughest demands, such as plunge-cut saws, circular saws, jigsaws, cordless drills, joining machines and routers.
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考虑到工匠的健康至关重要,Festool还开发出了全球首款高效的轨道式砂光机除尘系统。同样,导轨也成为了全球日常工业作业不可或缺的一部分,而Festool早在20世纪60年代初便研发出了导轨的原型。持续创新,塑造经典 后续的创新产品不断涌现,其中包括1979年推出的ROTEX——全球首款集粗磨、细磨和抛光三种功能于一体的...