Nguyen K-L, Yoshida T, Kathuria-Prakash N, et al.Multicenter safety and practice for off-label diagnostic use of ferumoxytol in MRI. Radiology 2019; 293:554-564. Schieda N.Parenteral ferumoxytol interaction with magnetic resonance imaging: a case report, review of the literature and advisory ...
Each patient was either intubated in the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) or underwent general anesthesia at MRI suite. For 2D analysis, we reformatted MUSIC images in Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine (DI...
Ferumoxytol-enhanced MRI to Image Inflammation within Human Brain Arteriovenous Malformations: A Pilot Investigation. Transl Stroke Res 2012;3(Suppl 1):166-173.Hasan DM, Amans M, Tihan T, Hess C, Guo Y, Cha S, Su H, Martin AJ, Lawton MT, Neuwelt EA, Saloner ...
2.磁性能:ferumoxytol聚葡萄糖山梨醇羧甲基醚具有优异的磁性能,可以用于磁共振成像(MRI)和磁导航等医学应用领域。这种纳米粒子药物具有高磁饱和度和磁导率,能够提高MRI的灵敏度和分辨率。 3.药物释放动力学:ferumoxytol聚葡萄糖山梨醇羧甲基醚作为一种缓释纳米载体,其药物释放速率可以通过调节聚合物的渗透性和纳米粒子的...
Ferumoxytol(Feraheme, AMAG Pharmaceuticals, Waltham, MA, USA) is a therapeutic agent used in the treatment of iron-deficientanaemiathat has also been applied as a non-gadolinium magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)contrast agentwith uses throughout the body. Its unique properties allow it to assess ...
77 have tested the feasibility of steady state-cerebral blood volume measurements (SS-CBV, complementary to the conventional MRI) by using ferumoxytol, the superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles (SPIO) in patients with CNS neoplasms. At increasing ferumoxytol doses, the SS-CBV maps were achieved...
In addition, this agent generates T1 relaxation, producing a magnetic field and enhancing T2 relaxation, thereby darkening contrast media-containing structures in magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Due to small particle size, ferumoxytol remains in the intravascular space for a prolonged period and so ...
This study describes our initial institutional experience of ferumoxytol-enhanced MRI (feMRI) for differentiating intrapancreatic splenules (IPS) from other pancreatic lesions. Methods In this retrospective study, patients with computed tomographic imaging that identified small enhancing lesions in the tail...
Serial MRI scans of hMSC transplants in arthritic joints of recipient rats showed that the iron signal of apoptotic, nanoparticle-labeled hMSCs engulfed by macrophages disappeared faster compared to viable hMSCs. This corresponded to poor cartilage repair outcomes of the apoptotic hMSC transplants. ...
的第一个治疗产品~静注铁替代治疗产品 ferumoxytol(I)的肯定期临床试验结 果.它已完成4项关键性期临床试验中 的3项,并计划于2007上半年在美国提出 NDA(新药上市申请). 该公司一直在开发和销售造影剂,如 用于肝损伤造影的静注Fefidex和用于腹 腔MRI(磁共振)观察肠道状况的Gastro- mark.因此,开发(I)作为治疗...