Pirngruber GD, Frunz L, Pieterse JAZ (2006) The synergy between Fe and Ru in N2O decomposition over FeRu-FER cat- alysts: a mechanistic explanation. J Catal 243:340-349Pirngruber G D,Frunz L,Pieterse J A Z.The synergy between Fe and Ru in N2O decomposition over FeRu-FER catalysts:...
féru 音标:[fery]发音生词本:添加笔记: 有奖纠错 | 划词 法汉-汉法词典 féru, e a. 1热衷于…的, 醉心于…的; être féru d'histoire 热爱历史 féru de quelqu'un 迷恋某人 féru de romans 迷恋小说 Il est féru de son travail. 他热爱自己的工作。
X-Ray structure of [FeRu(η-C5H5)(CO)4(-CO)(-CPhCPhH)] The complexes [MH(η-C5H5)(CO)2](M = Fe or Ru) react with an equimolar [Fe2(CO)9]–acetylene mixture in tetrahydrofuran affording [FeM(η-C5H5)(CO)4(-CO)(-CRCR′H)][M = Fe, R = R′= Ph, (1), or H, (2...
Temperature programmed decomposition of H2FeRu3(CO)12 and Fe2Ru(CO)12 supported on Cab-O-Sil HS-5 reveals differences in the interaction between the complex and the support. Both in He and in H2 flow CO evolves in several steps and hydrocarbons are formed at higher temperatures. In He ...
ChemInform Abstract: Interaction Between FeRu Bimetallic Carbonyl Clusters and Oxide Supports. Part 5. Fe2Ru(CO)12 on Hydrated Silicaorgano‐ruthenium compoundsorgano‐iron compoundsThermal behavior of the bimetallic title complex on a silica support is studied by FT-IR spectroscopy.doi:10.1002/chin....
Temperature programmed decomposition of H 2FeRu 3(CO) 12 and Fe 2Ru(CO) 12 supported on Cab-O-Sil HS-5 reveals differences in the interaction between the complex and the support. Both in He and in H 2 flow CO evolves in several steps and hydrocarbons are formed at higher temperatures....
Ru2(CO)4(L)2(L R-Pyca, R iPr (1a); R cHex (1b); R tBu (1c)) reacts with Fe2(CO)9 (2) at room temperature to give the new complexes FeRu(CO)6(R-Pyca) (3a–c) and Fe2Ru(CO)10(R-Pyca) (4a–c). Although the reaction proceeds also for L R-DAB, it is ...
A smaller part ( ca. 15%) of Fe 2Ru(CO) 12 is stable on the surface at room temperature in a distorted form. When heated in hydrogen and in vacuum a series of surface molecules has been identified: H 2FeRu 3(CO) 13, H 4FeRu 3(CO) 12, H 4Ru 4(CO) 12, and HRu 3(CO)...