当使用FerrumLek®的制剂时,粪便颜色变暗,无临床意义。 摄入铁制剂不影响潜血试验(血红蛋白选择性)的检测结果。 糖尿病患者通知:1块咀嚼片或1毫升FerrumLek®糖浆含0.04 XE。 苯丙酮尿症患者的通知:FerrumLek®的制备含有相当于每片1.5mg量的阿斯巴甜(E951),苯丙氨酸来源。 影响驾驶汽车或执行需要增加身体和精...
ferrum lek ferrum lek(ferrum lek) CAS: 化学式: 中文名ferrum lek 英文名ferrum lek 英文别名ferrum lek
PHM4 CLINICO-ECONOMICAL ANALYSIS OF FERRUM LEKVS FENULS IN IRON-DEFICIENT ANEMIA IN ELDERLY PATIENTS - Value in Healthdoi:10.1016/S1098-3015(10)65031-0P VorobievN NekrasovaA DorkinaM SuraElsevier Inc.Value in Health
ferrum lek| 基本信息更多信息 中文名称: 中文同义词: 英文名称:ferrum lek 英文同义词:ferrum lek CAS号: 分子式: 分子量:0 EINECS号: 信息错误报告 您的Email: 按国家浏览ferrum lek国外供应商中国供应商 ferrum lek推荐供应商 建议您优先选择企业会员,我们对企业会员产品有严格审核。
Alenkina IV, Oshtrakh MI, Semionkin VA, Kuzmann E (2013) Comparative study of nanosized iron cores in human liver ferritin and its pharmaceutically important models MaltoferO and Ferrum Lek using Mo¨ssbauer spectroscopy. Bull Russ Acad Sci: Phys 77:739-744...
ferrum LekmethanoldepakineglutathioneObjectives: The purpose of this study was to measure the level of lipid peroxidation and investigate the response of the glutathione system to toxic doses of ethylene glycol tetraacetate acid (EGTA), Ferrum Lek, methanol, and Depakine (valproate sodium).Qu, ...
Oshtrakh MI, Alenkina IV, Kuzmann E, Klencsár Z, Semionkin VA (2014) Anomalous Mössbauer line broadening for nanosized hydrous ferric oxide cores in ferritin and its pharmaceutical analogue Ferrum Lek in the temperature range 295–90 K. J Nanopart Res 16:2363...
V. A.JOURNAL OF INORGANIC BIOCHEMISTRYDubiel, S., Cieslak, J., Alenkina, I., Oshtrakh, M., & Semionkin, V. (2014). Evaluation of the Debye temperature for iron cores in human liver ferritin and its pharmaceutical analogue Ferrum Lek using Mossbauer spectroscopy. Journal of Inorganic ...
Eight microsatellite loci were isolated from the lance-tailed manakin (), a polygynous lek-breeding bird from Central America. Five of these loci were polymorphic (two to seven alleles per locus), with observed levels of heterozygosity ranging from 0.100 to 0.860 ( = 50 individuals). ...