A ferritic stainless steel, it has a balance of chromium, aluminum, and the reaction element, the ferritic steel has the following components (percentage by weight): up to Ni 1; and 15-25 of Cr; 0.75- 3.7 Al; up to 0.6 Si; 0-3 Mo and / or W; 0-1 Ti and / or Nb; up to...
英文名称是ferritic grade stainless steel 它的基体以体心立方晶体结构的铁素体组织(a相)为主, 有磁性, 一般不能通过热处理硬化, 但冷加工可使其轻微强化的不锈钢。 典型的中国牌号是10Cr15(旧牌号1Cr15)、 详细参见GB/T 20878-2007第2.1.3条和 表3。
Cr11铁素体不锈钢2) ferritic stainless steel 铁素体不锈钢 1. Analysis of the welding methods of TCS ferritic stainless steel used on railway vehicle; 铁路货车车体用TCS铁素体不锈钢焊接方法分析 2. Influence of rare earth element on the mechanical properties and microstructure of ferritic stainless...
5) Cr11 Ferritic Stainless Steels Cr11铁素体不锈钢6) ferritic stainless steel 铁素体不锈钢 1. Analysis of the welding methods of TCS ferritic stainless steel used on railway vehicle; 铁路货车车体用TCS铁素体不锈钢焊接方法分析 2. Influence of rare earth element on the mechanical properties ...
Ferritic stainless steelcontains higherchromium contentthan themartensitic stainless steel. Normally the chromium content of the ferritic stainless steel ranges from 14 to 27wt%. From the Fe–C–Cr diagram sectioned at 18% chromium, shown inFigure 22, it appears that for a low-carbon level, the...
研究了铁道车辆用铁素体不锈钢00Cr12NiTi在MAG焊时,焊接热输入对HAZ的组织及性能的影响。 3. RE effect and mechanism in ferrite stainless steel have been studied by metallographic analysis,SEM and EDAX. 采用金相、扫描电镜和能谱仪等手段,研究了稀土在430铁素体不锈钢的作用及作用机理,研究结果表明,稀土...
Shipment of 06Cr13 ferritic stainless steel seamless pipe for Sinopec 近期,我司陆续为兄弟单位生产加工了多批约100吨O6Cr13铁素体不锈钢无缝管,用于中石化的相关项目。 The address of this article:http://en.fhtubeindustry.com/news/568.html Key word:铁素体无缝管,铁素体无缝管厂家,铁素体无缝管价格...
The influence of surface topography on corrosion resistance of 21Cr ferritic stainless steel was studied. The surface topography was modified by changing the grinding conditions such as load, speed, and fluid type and its correlation with corrosion resistance was examined. Results showed that the corr...
Disclosed is a ferritic stainless steel suitable as a heat exchange material for Ni brazing or Cu brazing, containing in mass%, C: 0.03% or less, Si: 3% or less, Mn: 2% or less, P: 0.05% or less, S: 0.03% or less, CR: 11 to 30%, Nb: 0.15 to 0.8%, and N: 0.03% or le...
Alloy 430 stainless steel tube-to-header welds failed in a heat recovery steam generator (HRSG) within one year of commissioning. The HRSG was in a combined cycle, gas-fired, combustion turbine electric power plant. Alloy 430, a 17% chromium (Cr) ferritic stainless steel, was selected becaus...