ferrous sulfateferric citrateIron DeficiencyBackground and objectives Ferric citrate is an oral medication approved for treatment of iron deficiency anemia in patientswithCKDnot requiringdialysis. The relative efficacy of ferric citrate versus ferrous sulfate in treating iron deficiency in patients with CKD...
Studies are made of Mosshauer absorption of 57Fe in a Ca-amphibole schist sample at room and liquid nitrogen temperatures. The absolute concentration and the recoilless fraction for ferrous and ferric cations are determined using a method, basically concerned to adapt the Mossbauer effect areas at...
The rise of atmospheric oxygen as a result of photosynthesis in cyanobacteria and chloroplasts has transformed most environmental iron into the ferric state. In contrast, cells within organisms maintain a reducing internal milieu and utilize predominantly ferrous iron. Ferric reductases are enzymes that ...
iron-deficiency anaemia and perioperative anaemia. Intravenous ferric carboxymaltose was generally well tolerated, with a low risk of hypersensitivity reactions. It was generally better tolerated than oral ferrous sulfate, mainly reflecting a lower incidence of gastrointestinal adverse effects. The most commo...
Ferrous sulfate versus iron polymaltose complex for treatment of iron deficiency anemia in children. We assessed the clinical response and side effects of Ferrous sulfate (FS) and Iron polymaltose complex (IPC) in 118 children with Iron deficiency anemia (... AV Bopche,R Dwivedi,R Mishra,......
Both the dissolved ferrous iron and phosphate can then diffuse upward into the oxidized zone, where the iron is subject to reoxidation, and the phosphate to renewed scavenging by the freshly precipitated ferric oxyhydroxide (Heggie et al., 1990; Jensen et al., 1995; Slomp et al., 1996a,b...
Ferric carboxymaltose (JAN/USAN/INN)、Iron carboxymaltose、Iron dextri-maltose + [8] 靶点- 作用机制 铁调节 治疗领域 内分泌与代谢疾病血液及淋巴系统疾病心血管疾病 在研适应症 铁缺乏缺铁性贫血收缩性心力衰竭 非在研适应症 慢性心力衰竭慢性肾病溃疡性结肠炎+ [14] ...
soluble ferrous iron is in flux with insoluble ferric iron. As a transition metal, iron can readily donate and accept electrons, a property that allows it to be incorporated into many proteins, notably hemoglobin andmyoglobin, but alsocytochromeproteins,myeloperoxidase,nitric oxide synthase, respiratory...
A comparative study for the efficacy of lactoferrin-100 versus lactoferrin-100 and ferrous gluconate versus ferric hydroxide on iron deficiency anemia. Objective: To estimate the effect of therapeutic doses of Lactoferrin 100, Lactoferrin 100 and ferrous gluconate compound, and Ferric Hydroxide polymaltos...
Taken together, these observations suggest that our structures may reflect the physiological state of ferrous ion binding. Apo-MgFur dimerization is independent of metal ions, and mutations at sites 1 and 2 did not affect dimerization or the secondary structural characteristics. Thus, it can be ...