The Ferretto Group is toasting with Pedavena beer. The Belluno-based company has in fact asked the Ferretto Group to build the new automatic storage system to support the production of one of the longest standing brands in the Italian brewing industry: they have been producing beer since 1897...
The Ferretto Group is toasting with Pedavena beer. The Belluno-based company has in fact asked the Ferretto Group to build the new automatic storage system to support the production of one of the longest standing brands in the Italian brewing industry: they have been producing beer since 1897...
[#IABV2_LABEL_PURPOSES#] [#IABV2_LABEL_FEATURES#] [#IABV2_LABEL_PARTNERS#] 和我们取得联系,获取关于产品的信息。 Ferretto Group S.p.a. Padana/Verona路 101号 意大利维琴察,邮编:36100 Tel. +39 0444 349688 Fax +39 0444.349498 ...
Ferretto Group owns its patents, know-how and brand 2016: 60° anniversary of the founding of Ferretto A significative goal, a fundamental hereditament in order to understand the current results. A starting point to look forward 2023: Wipro Pari acquires a significant majority in Ferretto Autom...
Ferretto Group 意大利智能仓储服务商 认领企业 委托联系 维护信息 未融资 运营中 意大利 | 查看官网 Ferretto Group是意大利一家智能仓储服务商,致力于物流信息化建设,为用户提供智能仓储物流系统整体解决方案,包括项目评估、软硬件设计、制造、现场安装、售后服务等。
商标名称 FERRETTO GROUP 国际分类 第37类-建筑修理 商标状态 领土延伸 申请/注册号 G1104948 申请日期 2012-02-11 申请人名称(中文) FERRETTOGROUPS.P.A. 申请人名称(英文) - 申请人地址(中文) STRADA PADANA VERSO VERONA 101,LOC.PONTE ALTO,I-36100 VICENZA(VI)(ITALIE) 申请人地址(英文) - 初审公告...
商标名称 FERRETTO GROUP 申请号 G1104948 国际分类 7类-机械设备 商标分类表 商标状态 已注册 申请日期 2012-02-11 申请人 FERRETTO GROUP S.P.A. FERRETTO GROUP S.P.A. 查看此申请人的商标分析报告 代理机构 国际局 查看此代理机构下的所有商标 商标类型 普通商标 是否共有商标 否 专用权期限...
一、FERRETTOGROUPSPA投资情况:FERRETTOGROUPSPA间接持股企业4家,包括投资合肥讯云智能装备有限公司、投资占比达5%,弗兰度仓储设备(北京)有限公司、投资占比达5%等;二、FERRETTOGROUPSPA的商业合作伙伴:基于公开数据展示,FERRETTOGROUPSPA目前有9个商业合作伙伴,包括吴宝应、蒋向东、雷泓等。 财产...
The Ferretto Group is toasting with Pedavena beer. The Belluno-based company has in fact asked the Ferretto Group to build the new automatic storage system to support the production of one of the longest standing brands in the Italian brewing industry: they have been producing beer since 1897...