F12berlinetta跑车搭载200巴、直接喷射型6262 cc 65° V12发动机,可在动力和转数方面为12缸自然吸气发动机提供绝对前所未有的卓越性能。 1发动机 动力最强劲、性能最卓越 2结构系统 充分改良的驱动桥架构 8技术规格 V12 发动机 6262cc 总排量 740CV 最大功率 @ 8250 RPM ...
1953 Ferrari 375 MM Pinin Farina spider,搭载动力强劲的V12发动机,基于F1单座赛车打造。其拥有前卫的黑白色组合,搭配时尚高雅的内部装饰。 了解更多 375 MM Pinin Farina spider 外观号码#10 灵感来自 250 Europa Vignale coupé - 1953 豪华GT车型
The 1953 Ferrari 375 MM Pinin Farina spider, was powered by a V12 engine based on that of the F1 single-seater. It features bold mono-chrome colour scheme and sleek interiors. More about the 375 MM Pinin Farina spider Liverynumber#10 ...
The 1953 Ferrari 375 MM Pinin Farina spider, was powered by a V12 engine based on that of the F1 single-seater. It features bold mono-chrome colour scheme and sleek interiors. More about the 375 MM Pinin Farina spider Liverynumber#10 ...
Ferrari F1 cars. Things of almost mystic beauty. Usually... Here's the new one, Fernando Alonso and Felipe Massa's 2012 contender, launched just now. And what can we say? Possibly that it's best viewed from above? Actually the plan photograph does show it to be an incredibly tidy ...
if and when they come to market. Most are part of a substantial collection but never live in the owner’s collection and must be kept at the factory. All are expensive, for an F1 car, but a bargain when compared to what this author feels is the ultimate in pop-art lunacy, the sale...
Museo Ferrari Maranello 法拉利博物馆位于意大利🇮🇹博洛尼亚附近的马拉内罗Maranello小镇。它和它的工厂一直在这里,在这个不知名的小镇上,把艺术与科学的结晶,神一般的法拉利推向全世界。 法拉利车队(ScuderiaFerrari)是F1史上迄今最成功的车队。自1950年F1开赛至今,法拉利车队先后赢得224次大奖赛冠军、16个车队总冠军...