Fergana remains important in Uzbekistan (乌兹别克斯坦), known for its agriculture (农业) and markets. Walking through Fergana, you can see its lush landscapes, bustling markets, and ancient monuments.根据文章内容,从下面选项中选出最佳答案 1. What made the Fergana Valley a special place for travel...
Fergana Valley Uzbekistan, Asia On arrival in the Fergana Valley many visitors wonder where the valley is. From this broad (22,000 sq km), flat bowl, the surrounding mountain ranges (Tian Shan to the north and the Pamir Alay to the south) seem to stand back at enormous distances – when...
For the first time, the cultivated diversity of microalgae in eroded soils in the northern part of the Fergana Valley in Uzbekistan has been studied based on both morphological and molecular genetic analysis. Ten strains of green microalgae ( Chlorophyta ) and one charophyte strain ( Charophyta )...
Uzbekistan, Asia Fergana Valley LoginSave Kokand’s most impressive mosque, built by Umar Khan in 1812, is centred on a 22m minaret and includes a colourful 100m-long aivan (portico) supported by 98 red-wood columns brought from India. The entire complex has reverted to its for...
The city of Fergana, in the south of the Fergana Valley is one of the youngest cities in Uzbekistan. It was founded in 1876, after Kokand Khanate had been included in the Russian Empire. A new town, named as New Margilan was built at a distance of 12 kil
Kokand, a city in Fergana Valley, UzbekistanIn the east of Uzbekistan, in the Fergana Valley, heading from Fergana to Tashkent, a traveler would enter the city of Kokand, one of the oldest settlements on this land. According to archaeological excavations, as long as 2000 years ago the site...
Fergana city is the capital of Fergana province of Uzbekistan, located in Fergana Valley. The Uzbek part of the valley has two other provinces, Namangan and Andijan. Other parts of the valley belong to Kyrgyzstan (Osh) and Tajikistan (Khujand ). This area was described in Chinese chronicles ...
Late Quaternary loess accumulation at the Rudak section in Uzbekistan, central Asia: Chronology and palaeoclimate implications. Palaeogeog. Palaeoclimatol. Palaeoecol. 547, 109695 [191] Zhang, X., Jin, L., Chen, J., Lu, H., Chen, F., 2018. Lagged response of summer precipitation to ...
Twitter Google Share on Facebook Fergana Encyclopedia Wikipedia Related to Fergana:Ferghana Fer·ga·na alsoFer·gha·na(fər-gä′nə)orFar·gho·na(-gŏn′ə) A city of eastern Uzbekistan southwest of Andijon. It is the center of the fertileFergana Valley,a densely populated agricu...
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