Weakauras is an incredible addon which allows you to make your own mini-addons in game, which can range from a lit up icon reminding you to use a consumable, to a detailed energy tracker UI, to rotation assistants which will show the icon of the ability you should cast based on ...
This project came from asking "What is the minimum information needed to be an amazing Feral Druid?". Deciding when to cast a bleed is the most dynamic aspect of Feral gameplay. I wanted to aid that decision in any addon, like WeakAuras, Plater or other AddOns, without custom scripts in...
The purpose of this guide is to summarise important information on the Feral Druid DPS rotation in WoW Classic. It will cover what powershifting is, how to do it and how we maximise our DPS. For more information on other aspects of playing a feral druid.