Defense Specializationincreases your Avoidance for the low cost of a Rune slot. Make sure to check our Druid Rune guide in order to learn where to get all the SoD runes! Druid Runes and Locations 3. Changelog Updated talents, runes and explanation text for Phase 4....
Welcome to our Season of Discovery (SoD) Phase 4 Feral Druid DPS Guide. Rapidly gaining fame and glory in the Season of Discovery, Feral Druid became known as one of the most powerful DPS Melee Specializations in the game, not only having a huge damage o
Most of the guides for feral druid say stat priority is 1) Hit, 2) Strength, 3) Attack Power, 4) Agility in that order but all the best in slot gear is mainly focused on Agility (some put haste before Agility but I don’t…
On this page, you will find out the best PvE talents for your Feral Druid Tank in WoW Classic — Season of Discovery, as well as advised runes. This is a main-tank build that assumes you mostly go into Cat Formfor heavy movement, if at all. Otherwise, if you want to maximize your ...