I also want to think an absolute Angel who came to my house yesterday and handed me an envelope. I had just finished doing some much needed kitten and cat food shopping from another donation that someone sent me through PayPal. (Thank you to that person as well.) I was unloading the tr...
Night Vale is making a strong effort to reduce the mosquito population and the dangerous diseases they carry. Last year, mosquitos were responsible for outbreaks of West Nile, influenza, panache, Elephantiasis, and Fanny Brice Approximation Syndrome. Please stay indoors from 1pm Friday to 10pm Sat...
The good thing is that she never showed any signs of aggression and she loves us again (as much as any not-so-feral-anymore cat can!)…. Until next time! Any tips on how to get Ugg into a carrying cage would be appreciated as we hope to get another appointment to get her spayed ...
1812. I am but a poor laborer with children of my own to rear. His mother asked me to bring up the boy, and so I thought I would rear him as my own son. Since then, I have never let him go one step outside the house, so no one knows where he was reared...
“I Know This Song” first appeared on Queen Mob’s Teahouse. Posted byAbby HiggsAugust 1, 2015Posted inUncategorized1 Comment on I Know This Song Six Hours and a CAT Scan I used to be more athletic. A lot more athletic. But I spent a few years treating my body in a fashion si...
We analysed prey size for a total of 611 invertebrate and vertebrate prey items collected from n = 294 cats that had fauna present, with an average of 1.72 ± 1.07 (range 1–6) prey categories analysed per individual cat (full list of prey taken by cats given in Table 4). House mice...