When vs a feral on my rogue, I can get bursted >60k by a feral within a pounce stun (have 3.9k resi) and if I ever get one to low health they can just bear form up to full again even if I kite them so I don't give them for rage for the bear heals. If blizzard see ...
Treacherous Transmitter— using this effect consistently is difficult in some encounters, so bear that in mind. Hold it forBerserk. Ovi'nax's Mercurial Egg Empowering Crystal of Anub'ikkaj Dead-Eye Spyglass— really only usable in situations where you never target swap or are forced off target...
Flight Form allows you to herb, Cat and Bear lets you skin, and Moonkin form allows you to mine. About the Author bobodingo Sup yall! My name is Bobodingo and I've been playing wow since its release. I'm an avid player trying to make some good, quality content and share my ...