• 除非另有规定,该牌号可供合金钢(如添加硼B或钛Ti) 碳当量计算 FeP04 机械性能 条件抗拉强度σb Mpa 屈服点σs Mpa 断后伸长率或延伸率δ % 扁平材; 平整; t≤0.5 270~350 140~250 ≥34 扁平材; 平整;0.5< t≤0.7 270~350 140~230 ≥36 扁平材; 平整;0.7< t≤3 270~350 140~210 ≥...
While Microhardness measurements, as expected show an evolution as function of material work hardening, the distribution of grain size seems to be unaffected by the different type of loading path. Quantitative texture measurements demonstrates a development of different texture components depending on the...
During the tests performed under constant loading, we observe the fatigue weakening of the material and an increase in strain.doi:10.1007/s11003-012-9417-xD. Rozumek1. Opole University of Technology, Opole, Poland ;Z. Marciniak1. Opole University of Technology, Opole, Poland ;Materials ...
With regard to Oil & Gas applications, the Trifluor recycling technology has successfully been demonstrated on chemically contaminated FEP Fluoropolymer which served as primary insulation material for down hole logging cable applications in oil fields located in the Siberian Low Land - Russia. The ...
The tests were performed in plane specimens under cyclic tension by keeping constant the nominal load ratio R = 0. Crack paths on the basis of the tested material microstructure were observed.doi:10.1007/s11223-008-0029-5D. RozumekSpringer USStrength of Materials...
During the tests performed under constant loading, we observe the fatigue weakening of the material and an increase in strain.D. RozumekZ. MarciniakOpole University of TechnologyMaterials ScienceD. Rozumek and Z. Marciniak: `Fatigue properties of notched speci- mens made of FeP04 steel', Mat...