C 中的 EOF、getc() 和 feof() EOF, getc() and feof() in C 在C/C++ 中,getc()在到达文件末尾时返回 EOF . getc() 失败时也会返回 EOF。因此,仅将 getc() 返回的值与 EOF 进行比较不足以检查文件的实际结尾。为了解决这个问题,C 提供了feof()仅在到达文件末尾时返回非零值,否则它返回 0。例如...
In the above program, file is opened by usingfopen(). When integer variable c is not equal to EOF, it will read the file. The functiongetc()is reading the characters from the file. FILE *f = fopen("new.txt", "r"); int c = getc(f); while (c != EOF) { putchar(c); c ...
C语言 feof()用法及代码示例C 中的 feof() 函数 原型: int feof(FILE* filename); 参数: FILE *filename 返回类型:整数(0 或 1) 函数的使用: 在C 语言中,当我们使用与文件链接的流时,我们如何确定我们到达了文件的末尾。为了解决这个问题,我们必须将一个整数值与 EOF 值进行比较。通过 feof() 函数...
In diesem Artikel werden mehrere Methoden zur Verwendung der Funktionfeofin C erläutert. Verwenden Sie die Funktionfeof, um den End-of-file-Indikator im Dateistrom in C zu prüfen Die Funktionfeofist Teil der C-Standard-Ein-/Ausgabebibliothek, die im Header<stdio.h>definiert ist. Die Funk...
C語言 fork()用法及代碼示例注:本文由純淨天空篩選整理自Souvik Saha大神的英文原創作品 feof() function in C language with Example。非經特殊聲明,原始代碼版權歸原作者所有,本譯文未經允許或授權,請勿轉載或複製。©2024 | 純淨天空 | 繁體 | 簡體 | 聯係我們 | 京ICP備15018527號-1 ...
feof 是C语言标准库函数,用于检测流上的文件结束符,其原型位于中。当检测到文件结束符时,feof返回非零值,反之返回0。值得注意的是,文件结束符仅能通过调用clearerr()函数清除。下面的代码示例展示了如何利用while循环结合feof函数来处理文件内容:while (!feof(in)) { ch = fgetc(in);fputc(ch, ...
C File input/output Defined in header <stdio.h> int feof( FILE *stream ); Checks if the end of the given file stream has been reached. Parametersstream - the file stream to check Return valuenonzero value if the end of the stream has been reached, otherwise 0 ...
C Library - feof() function - The C library int feof(FILE *stream) function tests the end-of-file indicator for the given stream.This function is part of the standard input/output library (stdio.h) and is important for managing file reading operations in
【题目】V.句型转换1.feofPni ie.(改为 ) e f'_1(i_n)2. M lno T n in. (线部分提 )your unete on aeation?3. Jim with his classmates visited th e sienc e musu last weekend. (改为一股疑问句)Jin with his classmates th e scienc e musem last weekend?4. Jenny didn'...
Description I have been using feof() as a way to determine if a socket resource is actively open. In hindsight, I should've used is_resource for this it seems, as looking at notes for that it will return false if the resource is closed. ...