At present, the Fenhe River Basin construction of the ecological environment faced with tremendous pressure and challenges. 目前,汾河流域的生态环境建设面临巨大压力和挑战,这在城市建设中表现得尤为集中和典型。 2. The paper analyzes the current situation and characteristics and probes into...
fenhe的同音词,近音词及组词语有:分合、焚和、奋翮.fenhe中文含义解释:下表包含 fenhe 相关词语 拼音 什么意思 解释等。共查找到拼音“fenhe组词语” 3 个 分合 fēn hé ⒈ 分开与合并。[查看详情] 1 焚和 fén hé ⒈ 谓毁灭中和之性。[查看详情] 2 奋翮 fèn hé ⒈ 展翅,振羽。[...
fenhe英音: ['fenhə] 美音: ['fenhə] 分合(中国画用语, 即轮廓) 相关短语 border pen (画轮廓线用的) 绘图笔 delineation (国画的一种画法) 白描 piling (旋压用语) 堆积 pay to bearer (支票用语) 认票不认人 excelsior (商标用语) 精益求精 mass (物理用语) 质量 keep cool (包装用语) 保...
Fenhe Chemical Co.,Limited Fenhe is a Sourcing and Contract Research Development and Manufacturing company based in China. Supplying high quality pharmaceutical ingredients and specialty chemicals with an outstanding service to its overseas customers is Fenhe core activity. With over two decades develo...
芬河帝堡国际酒庄 Chateau Fenhe Internation Winery 酒名:年份:种类:不限红葡萄酒白葡萄酒桃红葡萄酒起泡酒冰酒加强型酒白兰地其他类型 芬河帝堡水滴瓶冰酒500ml 产地:中国 种类:冰酒 类型:甜型 价格: 年份: 2016 芬河帝堡金冰葡萄酒375ml 产地:中国...
the Fenhe River 汾河汉英翻译 the Fenhe River (in Shanxi Province) 词组短语 汾河公园Fen Park; Fenhe Park 上海汾河大酒店fenhe hotel; Shanghai Fenhe Hotel 汾河流水哗啦啦Clattering Fen River 双语例句 1. Temple hillside rise of the West Hill , Fen River the east. ...
2.Monitoring and Assessment of the Organic Pollutant in Fenhe River of Taiyuan Section汾河太原段有机污染物检测及评价 3.The Shanxi plain is watered by the Fen River which runs through it.山西平原由流经这里的汾河灌溉。 4.Development and Application of Water Quality Model of Taiyuan Reach,Fenhe...
Shanghai Fenhe International Co.,Ltd is invested and set by Shanxi fenhe biochemical co.,ltd .our company is specialized in foreign trade on food additives,industrial chemicals, pesticide, amino acid and supplementary pharmaceutical raw materials,mainly including citric acid series, Ascorbic acid, so...
At present, the Fenhe River Basin construction of the ecological environment faced with tremendous pressure and challenges. 目前,汾河流域的生态环境建设面临巨大压力和挑战,这在城市建设中表现得尤为集中和典型。 2. The paper analyzes the current situation and characteristics and probes into...