商标名称 FENGRAO 国际分类 第05类-医药 商标状态 商标已注册 申请/注册号 10952330 申请日期 2012-05-22 申请人名称(中文) 广州市丰饶农业科技有限公司 申请人名称(英文) - 申请人地址(中文) 广东省广州市荔湾区龙溪大道以南、西环高速公路以西花卉博览园批发市场E区ES46铺 申请人地址(英文) - 初审公告期号...
丰饶 首页>汉语词典 《丰饶》 词语丰饶 拼音fēng ráo注音ㄈㄥㄖㄠˊ 解释富饶:物产~ㄧ辽阔~的大平原更多:。 其它“丰”字典“饶”字典
沪江在线词典网为您精选丰饶的意思及读音、丰饶是什么意思、反义词、近义词等信息,由almaskkk于2012年8月12日添加。 读音:fēng ráo 注音:ㄈㄥㄖㄠˊ 近义词:富饶 基本解释: 基本解释 (1).丰裕富饶。 汉 蔡邕 《黄钺铭》:“于是储廪丰饶,室罄不悬。”明 归有光 《许太孺人寿序》:“兄弟皆以貲为郎,家世...
Feng–Rao boundGeneralized Hamming weightMinimum distanceOrder domainWell-behaving pairWe show that the Feng–Rao bound for dual codes and a similar bound by Andersen and Geil (2008) [1] for primary codes are consequences of each other. This implies that the Feng–Rao decoding algorithm can be...
【题目】请根据拼音依次在田字格内写出相应的汉字。阳光洒在湖面上,you然地反射着层层亮光,红红的高梁,立刻欢喜地在水中照个影儿, fengrao 的田野就像展开了一卷斑l
An efficient implementation of a parallel version of the Feng-Rao algorithm on a one-dimensional systolic array is presented in this paper by adopting an extended syndrome matrix. Syndromes of the same order, lying on a slant diagonal in the extended syndrome matrix, are scheduled to be examined...
For affine variety codes defined from generalised C_{ab} C_{ab} polynomials the new bound often improves dramatically on the Feng–Rao bound for primary codes (Andersen and Geil, Finite Fields Appl 14(1):92–123, 2008 ; Geil et al., Lecture Notes in Computer Science 3857: 295–306, ...
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Jensen, T. Hoholdt, A Fast Decoding Method of AG Codes from Miura-Kamiya Curves Cab up to Half the Feng-Rao Bound, Finite Fields and Their Applications, 1, no. 1 (1995), 83-101.S. Sakata, J. Justesen, Y. Madelung, H. E. Jensen and T. Høholdt, A fast decoding method of ...