Stratocaster、Telecaster、Precision和Jazz贝司结合了传统设计和现代特质,性能卓越,绝对是最平价而又实用的乐器。 新发布的Standard Stratocaster® Plus top 在赤杨木琴身上加装上了枫木贴面,使得整把吉他获得更加绚丽的视觉效果,更是带来了经典的Tobacco Sunburst以及Aged Cherry Burst两种颜色提供选择,单单双的拾音器配置...
Since 1946, Fender's iconic Stratocasters, Telecasters and Precision & Jazz bass guitars have transformed nearly every music genre.
而对于那个时代的Stratocaster来说,它不仅是一件更为灵活的经典乐器,它俨然已经成为一个不朽的文化符号。 Classic系列 '60s Stratocaster Laguer电吉他实呈现了那个特定年代Strat吉他的全貌与音色,2013年的全新版本琴体漆面采用了复古的硝基漆。 9.Standard系列Stratocaster HSS Plus Top Standard系列Stratocaster HSS Plus ...
Of the seven models featured here, the Standard Stratocaster is Fender’s entry level Strat and can be had for under $600. The highest-priced model included, the American Vintage ‘65 Stratocaster, at $2,350, carries a higher price tag as an original-era model year guitar built with metic...
Organic and clean, the Acoustasonic Stratocaster was designed for the ultimate Strat®experience – mixing future technology with the familiar feel and playability of this iconic body shape. view now American Acoustasonic® Stratocaster®
Fender Stratocaster Mexicomodels Player Series Its predecessor is the Standard, base model, it comes with a multi-piece alder body, usually above four pieces. There is the standard S-S-S version (three singlecoils), and there are H-H (Humbuckers), H-S-S and Plustop versions with Maple...
Standard Stratocaster Swirl拥有非常卓越的外形和音色,这是最为鲜艳醒目的一把Stratocaster吉他——旋流多色大理石漆面,很有异域风采。 特色包括桤木琴身,“现代C”型枫木琴颈,亮滑聚氨酯漆面,9.5”弧形枫木指板搭配21条中型Jumbo品丝,单线圈琴颈及琴中拾音器,双线圈琴桥拾音器,五向开关,三层黑-白-黑护板,黑色塑料控制...
Standard Stratocaster®吉他拥有传奇般美妙的Fender®音色和经典外观造型。 特点包括三个单线圈拾音器、同步颤音系统带高质琴桥锁定、饰色琴颈、封闭式琴腔、中型Jumbo品、浅灰色护板和70年代风格琴头标志。 Body Body Shape:Stratocaster® Neck Neck Shape:Modern "C"Number of Frets:21Fret Size:Medium JumboPosi...
Fender 014-4702-380 STANDARD STRATOCASTER 产品品牌Fender 运输重量8克 点击数1500 库存情况现货供应 名屋价格:¥4880元 旺旺在线咨询: 黄奥东辽张伊 添加以下微信,以獲得更多産品信息: 黄奥: huangaohuangao24 东辽: 13548074419 伊哥哥: yigege0416 音色视听...
1954年,Fender推出了Stratocaster电吉他,这款电吉他成为了Fender品牌的标志性产品,它有着独特的音色和外观设计。ST琴体的音色柔美有歌唱感,就像豆蔻年华,窈窕淑女,君子好逑。Fender目前主流的琴体是这两种:下面介绍一下fender目前主流的型号区分。 1)Fender PLAYER玩家系列...