而单单双的Stratocaster配置了输出强劲有力双线圈音色的Vintage Mod II Double Tap Humbucker琴桥拾音器,还可以通过‘ push-push ’按压开关切换成单线圈模式。 美专2代Stratocaster 三单 详细参数 按住上下滑动 水银灰 神秘冲浪绿 迈阿密蓝 黑夜蓝 烘烤松木 三色渐变 黑色 按住上下滑动 琴身材质:桤木/烤松木 琴身漆...
【千呼万唤始出来】大..根据大家的呼声决定写一个大G和PRS的对比贴。我们都熟知的,材质上大G和PRS的材质都是桃花芯木的琴身,枫木面板,玫瑰木指板,也都是两个humbucker拾音器。琴颈的安装都是set neck,都是拿
Guitar Parts Set of 3 PCS Stratocaster style 2 Tone & 1 Volume For Stratocaster Strat ST Guitar Control knobs, Various ColorUSD 1.37-5.40/piece Pleroo Custom Quality Electric Guitar Parts -For USA\ Mexico Fd Strat 11 Holes HSS PAF Humbucker Guitar Pickguard Scratch PlateUSD 7.95-10.67/piece ...
Middle Pickup:Fender Ultra II Noiseless Hot Strat Single-coil Bridge Pickup:Fender Haymaker Humbucker Controls:1 x volume (S-1 switch coil-split), 2 x tone Switching:5-way blade pickup switch Strings:Fender USA 250L, .009-.042
strat single-coil fender player series alnico v strat single-coil fender player series alnico ii humbucker fender player series alnico v strat single-coil fender player series alnico ii humbucker controls 1 x volume, 2 x tone 1 x volume, 2 x tone 1 x volum...
Its predecessor is the Standard, base model, it comes with a multi-piece alder body, usually above four pieces. There is the standard S-S-S version (three singlecoils), and there are H-H (Humbuckers), H-S-S and Plustop versions with Maple / Flamed Maple top that come with S-S-...
If you have always wanted a Fender guitar for hard rock, but don’t like the sound of single coils, the Fender Player Series HSH is ideal. You get all the tone of humbuckers with a Strat body. This guitar can handle all the distortion that you throw at it. The pickups sound great,...
品丝:21枚,窄高 品记:白色珠光圆点,7毫米 弦枕:骨质,1.650英寸 弦钮:Fender® ClassicGear™ 有效弦长:25.5英寸 琴桥:6弦鞍复古风格同步颤音琴桥搭配冲压钢制弦鞍 护板:4层玳瑁色 拾音器:Custom ML CuNiFe Wide-Range Humbucker (琴桥), Custom ML Noiseless™ Single-Coil Strat® (中间,琴颈) ...
Description: Official Fender American Performer Telecaster Hum (Humbucker) Loaded Body (features vintage brass saddle Pat Pend logo bridge, Fender Yosemite single coil Alnico 4 bridge pickup & Fender DoubleTap neck humbucker pickup with 3 way switching, push/pull tone control for single coil mode...