To date a Fender acoustic guitar try my Fender acoustic guitar dater. There are a number of possible locations for the serial number on a Fender guitar. These include the top of the neck plate, somewhere on the headstock, on the bridge plate or the back of the neck near the body. ...
下面教你通过serial number来验证你手中的fender带不带“引号”。 4296123 电吉他吧 看你可爱的马眼 科普贴 如何从琴头分辨真假芬达尽管多年以来,经过Fender等厂商与执法部门的努力,昔日中国乐器市场上几度泛滥的仿冒吉他已经大量减少,但事实上今天依旧仍有制假者铤而走险,他们转而以更为隐蔽的形式继续制假贩假,...