Fender史上最全能的Telecaster-Nashville,声音全面、演奏舒适#老郭的菠萝琴行 #老郭严选 #Fender - 老郭的菠萝琴行(20:00 直播)于20220519发布在抖音,已经收获了182.2万个喜欢,来抖音,记录美好生活!
Fender Player Plus Nashville Telecaster 将经典的 Fender 设计与现代玩家需求相结合,带来了出色的可玩性和令人惊叹的外观。这款吉他搭载了 Player Plus Noiseless 拾音器,提供了温暖而甜美的 Telecaster 音色,同时还有 Stratocaster 风格的音调,且没有嗡嗡声。音控上的推拉开关在位置1和2之间切换,使得颈部拾音器结合,从...
2023全新可选漆色包括 Player Plus Nashville Telecaster®,枫木指板,樱桃渐变色。Player Plus Jazz Bass® V 电贝斯 Player Plus Jazz Bass® V 搭载了 Player Plus Noiseless Jazz Bass®拾音器,提供清晰的细节和强有力的 Fe nder 标志性贝斯音色。三段主动均衡可以对声音形态进行精确设置,可切换的主动/...
Player Plus Telecaster提供了三色旭日渐变、翡翠绿、烟雾银以及糖果红色可选。 PLAYER PLUS NASHVILLE TELECASTER® Nashville Telecaster始终广受欢迎,它的拾音器配置使它具备更为广泛的适用性和可玩性。而全新的Player Plus系列Nashville Tele将它的性能再次提升。 琴颈与琴桥位置采用了与Player Plus Telecaster相同的Noise...
Player Plus Nashville Telecaster®电吉他 Player Plus Nashville Telecaster®将经典的Fender®设计元素与以演奏者为中心的功能,以及令人欣喜的全新漆色融合在一起,提供了卓越的可玩性和无可挑剔的风格。它所搭载的 Player Plus Noiseless 拾音器带来温暖、甜美的 Tele®"twang"音色,中间档位则具有 Strat®音色...
Fender Player Plus“玩家系列” 豪华款Telecaster与Nashville Telecaster,采用现代“C”形琴颈,指板带有圆润的边缘,搭载了全新的Noiseless拾音器,为你提供纯正的Fender单线圈音色,时尚靓丽的外观让你在舞台上更具吸引力!你可以在Tiana Ohara、Max Bernstein、Melissa Dougherty以及Mac Hanson的演示中看到这些吉他的优秀表现:...
这款Player Plus Nashville Telecaster保留了Fender的经典风格,搭配高规格特性和惊艳的全新漆面,必定是激发你创造力和让你脱颖而出的完美乐器。 琴身材料:桤木 琴身油漆:亮光聚酯漆 琴颈材料:枫木,现代“C”型琴颈背部轮廓 琴颈油漆:哑光聚氨酯漆搭配亮光聚氨酯漆琴头 ...
Leo Fender wasn't a guitar player. In fact, he got his start repairing radios. When designing his original instruments, he had no idea that guitars weren't supposed to have maple necks. This Player Plus Nashville Telecaster has the revered maple neck and a tried-and-true maple fingerboard,...
and the slab body all contribute to the guitar's trademark tones and player-friendly feel. From Nashville twang to blistering rock tones, the Telecaster sound has made its presence felt in nearly every musical category. The diverse list of Telecaster players — including ...
simple design, the bolt-on neck, and the slab body all contribute to the guitar's trademark tones and player-friendly feel. from nashville twang to blistering rock tones, the telecaster sound has made its presence felt in nearly every musical category. the diverse list ...