In 1946, Clarence Leonidas “Leo” Fender created Fender Electric Instrument Company and changed the trajectory of modern music forever. The 75th Anniversary Series, handmade in Corona, Calif., celebrates Leo’s bold, revolutionary designs with special versions of the Stratocaster®, Telecas...
Remarks: The Elite version of the Stratocaster was a bit of a disaster. The Tele wasn't half bad. The new (humbucking) pickups and active circuitry allowed the player to use sounds so far unheard on a Tele. There are models with and without pickguard. It has six individual bridge saddle...
and to get it so it was making money again. It was starting to lose money, and at that point in time everybody hated Fender. We thought we knew how bad it was. We took for granted that they could make Stratocasters and Telecasters the way...