日本玩家交流如何设置Fender Blues JrMWdesign 立即播放 打开App,流畅又高清100+个相关视频 更多2124 1 25:03 App 贵VS便宜:Fender Masterbuilt vs Squier - 多花的钱差在哪了 4403 -- 0:40 App 我个人最喜欢Rosewood+ Alder你呢:Fender ST的几种木材搭配声音参考 543 -- 1:17 App MXR Randy Rhoads ...
I have gone from a tube, tweed Fender Blues Jr. to a Boss ME-80 pushing a Blackstar solid state amp to a Fender GTX-100 and I gotta admit, while they completely botched the foot switch, they got the software right. It’s simple, easy to navigate and very intuitive; especially the ...
My Fender Blues Jr. IV Guitar Amplifier preferred settings library api json reactjs guitar amplifier fender bluesjr Updated Aug 8, 2024 JavaScript bluedogtwo / goguitar3 Star 0 Code Issues Pull requests 🎶 Get playlist from Fender Play guitar fender Updated Jul 15, 2020 Go Improve...
Fender blues jr 全管COMBO 来自: jujumusic(JUJU™ MUSIC STUDIO) 组长 2009-11-15 23:58:38 15W,面交 3XXX元赞 回复 转发 赞 收藏 只看楼主 jujumusic (JUJU™ MUSIC STUDIO) 组长 楼主 2009-11-16 00:10:11 http://t.douban.com/view/photo/photo/public/p345961377.jpg 赞 回复 ...
Fender’s first WiFi bass amplifiers, these new models include a variety of effects and presets across a variety of styles, from old ‘50s blues and arena rock to modern synthesizer-type sounds, all of which can be modified and shared via the Fender Tone app.” Hot Rod amps are used in...
Bill M has mastered the art of modding the Blues Junior and you can’t hardly go wrong with his kits. But his workload is such that, if you wish to have him do the minor surgery, his waiting list is a year long. I mentioned above that I don’t play anywhere near as much electri...
1 stars 1 review Filter by Sort by: Most Helpful Purchased on Reverb Blues Junior Anson A. The Blues Jr is a great amp on it's own merits, perfect for home or small venue use. I did the tone stack, filter and coupling cap mods. I must admit I like the stock Blues Jr sound mu...
这篇主要是介绍下Fender Blues Junior III的电路。 先来看总体电路图 电路主要分6部分:电源、前级、倒相、后级、混响和负反馈。 先看电源部分。 电源的核心是一组输入,3组输出的变压器。原装电源是国际电源,可以通过开关设置不同的输入电压 这里细看下电源的电路图。电流从插头过来,经过电源开关、保险丝,进入电源...
blues deluxe or blues jr. church is 100% acoustic. no problem and i run through a fender acoustisonic 40 with no pedals. and i've got the playability of a telecaster with tall narrow frets. no more 2 hour bar chord hand cramps from 12's on a taylor... so rockin the band, no ...
From the Delta down south to the electrified sounds of Chicago in the ’60s, Jack White’s music draws deep from the endless well of the blues. Naturally, that includes exploring all kinds of swampy alternate tunings — that’s where the Jack White Triplecaster Telecaster’s Hipshot ...