Sly as a snake, Brian De Palma’s “Femme Fatale” is a sexy thriller that coils back on itself in seductive deception. This is pure filmmaking, elegant and slippery. I haven’t had as much fun second-guessing a movie since “Mulholland Drive.” Consider such clues as the overflowing aqu...
Hank Azaria to Play Apple CEO Tim Cook in Showtime’s Uber Series ‘Super Pumped’ It’s hard to fault Nicholson (whose father, Jack, starred in Hollywood’s second take on “Postman,” opposite Jessica Lange) and Kruger entirely, because there are qualities in them that seem right for a...
An evocative inversion of the “damsel in distress” trope, the femme fatale has become one of cinema’s most compelling character archetypes. A femme fatale is a cunning seductress ensnaring men with her charm and beauty only to bring about their downfalls. The archetype has long been used ...