FEMINIST theorySOCIALISMSOCIAL changeFEMINISMSOCIAL institutionsThis article focuses on socialist-feminist theories of the family. Contemporary theorists have attempted to explain the relationship between the family and social change. Feminists, in particular, have addressed themselves to this task. Because ...
Toward a Feminist Theory of the State, Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press. Mill, John Stuart, 1869, “The Subjection of Women”, Indianapolis: Hackett, Publishing Co., 1988. Minow, Martha, 1997, “All in the Family and in All Families: Membership, Loving and Owing”, in Estlund,...
Feminism is a social movement which has had an enormous impact on film theory and criticism. Cinema is taken by feminists to be a cultural practice representing myths about women and femininity, as well as about men and masculinity. Issues of representation and spectatorship are central to feminis...
199 Noting that true equality is attained when a society is ungendered, and power relations between women and men are equalized, I read A Theory of Justice . It was a brilliant book on the rational choice basis of equality, but it revealed nothing about the racialized, sexist reality of ...
Bringing it all back home: Feminist struggle, feminist theory and feminist engagement with law, the case of wife battering. 机译:把这一切带回家:女权主义斗争,女权主义理论和女权主义与法律的交往,妻子遭受殴打的情况。 获取原文 获取原文并翻译|示例 ...
“Sex War: The Debate Between Radical and Libertarian Feminism” (1984), Gloria Anzaldúa’s La Frontera/Borderlands: The New Mestiza (1987), Teresa de Lauretis’s “Feminism and Its Differences” (1990), and Kathy Rudy’s “Radical Feminism, Lesbian Separatism, and Queer Theory” (2001), ...
In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content: html_title Through the Lenses of Feminist Theory: Focus on Women and Information Technology /html_title Sue V. Rosser (bio) Scholars exploring gender and technology interactions have tended to concentrate on gender and technology ...
这就只是以一种高深理论的方式(high theory way)来说明,孩子作为图像或一系列想法,服务于使得未来像过去一样(making the future the same as the past)这一目的。孩子被用来在整个世界的范围内将再生产/繁殖这一观念(the idea of reproduction)直观化(literalize),以便像家庭(the Family)、国家(the Nation)、...
I am not trying to overthrow the traditional view thoroughly, but through analyzing George Eliot’s The Mill on the Floss, I expect to make some counter arguments against it.One of George Eliot’s masterpieces The Mill on the Floss was published in 1860 when the Victorian Britain was reign...
the greatest cost yet of anti-trafficking discourse, namely, the inability of the sex workers’ movement to produce a sophisticated theory of regulation to reduce levels of exploitation within sex work, one which is commensurate with the informality and heterogeneity of sex markets the world over....