“I think it’s great when the great-grandchild promotes our politics, civil rights, intersectional feminism,” Hilal said, “but it’s weird when the other part isn’t mentioned.” FromNew York Times How did it feel to talk to a pioneer of intersectional feminism?
Can humans start an earthquake? Explore More Advertisement How Feminism Works By: Cristen Conger Feminism is far more complex than Rosie the Riveter. ©iStockphoto/Graffizone Ms. magazine hit stands for the first time in 1972 with the headline, "Wonder Woman For President," stre...
We start our Steelers fans out young! My daughter Rose is only a bit more than 14 months old. She watched every Steelers game with me this season, though she did miss parts of games for naps or because bed … Continue reading → Share this: Facebook X Posted in Feminism and Sports ...
The posters and youthful environment felt like a Pride Parade organized by McSweeney’s smushed with a tech start up: Asian American Pacific Islanders for Obama, African Americans for Obama, LGBT Americans for Obama and so on. It was a room full of true believers who were working their ...
“I needed to show some sort of awareness before I could even be allowed to have a voice in the group,” explains Cole. “It’s the same with sex writing.” And he would know. When he’s using the pen name Hudson Cole, it’s what he does. ...
to Paris instructing her fellow female warriors toBundy Bouncetheir way to peace while Cannon gracelessly attempts to ride a beat, the movie wouldn’t have caused such a stir. But Lee loves controversy, and never misses an opportunity to start some shit, even if it detracts from his work....
A branch of the broader feminist movement, lesbian feminism remained both connected to the larger struggle for women’s liberation and highly critical of it. Strategically, the lesbian feminist movement emphasized its connection to broader feminist struggles and stressed community building among women. ...
It was quite a run to make sure we had a manuscript ready to start the process of copyediting, polishing, and legal review. All that needed to get nailed down very quickly to make time for quality control on the back end. So it was more a matter of “Everything I write this month...
If we stop defining each other by what we are not and start defining ourselves by what we are—we can all be freer and this is what HeForShe is about. It’s about freedom. I want men to take up this mantle. So their daughters, sisters and mothers can be free from prejudice but als...
She advocates for what she calls the 'reformist' approach, opting to work within the framework of the system rather than breaking it down to start over. While Ellis's articles present the clearest ideological statement for the women's move ment, other articles in Network indicate the ...