The second definition given for “man” will be humankind, mankind, all human beings; I’m not making this up. This has been in your dictionary for a very long time. If many people have been “taught” otherwise then those people have been taught improperly, they stand in need of ...
Housewives, not men, were the prey in feminism's sights when Kate Millett decreed in 1969 that the family must go. Feminists do not speak for traditional women. Men cannot know this, however, unless we tell them how we feel about them, our children, and our role in the home. Men must...
This book is a trip. Original; weird; unexpected; peculiar; very, “what the fuck is happening?” for much of the book. I truly delighted in reading a story where I had no clue what was happening, if I liked the narrator or not (I still have no clue), if I knew what the hell ...