Feminine Nouns in Spanish Example Sentences: Spanish Noun Gender Lesson Summary Frequently Asked Questions What are some examples of masculine nouns and some examples of feminine nouns? Some examples of masculine nouns include el carro meaning "the car," el gato meaning "the cat," and el juguet...
Grammar.noting or pertaining to that one of the three genders of Latin, Greek, German, etc., or one of the two genders of French, Spanish, Hebrew, etc., having among its members most nouns referring to females, as well as other nouns, as Latinstella“star,” or GermanZeit“time.” ...
examples la enfermera the nurse la profesora the teacher la hija the daughter la rosa the rose la guitarra the guitar la piscina the pool Feminine Nouns that Don't End in A Nouns that end in in d, z, or -ión are also feminine. EndingExamples d la felicidad (happiness), la...
The use of the feminine adjective seems to be more common after certain verbs, such asverorentender, that indicate how someone or something is perceived. Also, plural adjectives can be used in the same way afterloif they refer to a plural noun. Examples of UsingLo Here are some real-lif...
Among modernIndo-European languagessuch as French, Spanish, and Italian, nouns are classified into two genders,masculine andfeminine. Russian and German nouns are grouped into three genders, the third being neuter. While nouns referring to masculine or feminine beings almost always take the logical ...