Meaning: "pledged to God" Description: The Scottish spelling of Isabel has a definite character of her own, the 'o' giving her an extra infusion of strength but also an element of confusion. How do you pronounce that? Answer: Exactly like Isabel or Isabelle. Isobel Continued Larissa Ori...
As detailed above, 'feminine' can bean adverb, an adjective or a noun. Adjective usage: Mary, Elizabeth, and Edith are feminine names. What Is a Feminine Woman? (A Man's Perspective) 38 related questions found What is meaning of feminine with example? Feminine is defined as thefemale gend...
This essay explores frequent recurrences of the name Matilda throughout the British Romantic Period as a means of defining what I term the Romantic conceit, an idea whose sustained presence becomes a shared cultural construct with special meaning. The essay traces the name to primarily Continental ...
It also helps to realize that God has many names, and I think of Sophia as but one of these many names for God although I actually tend not to use it quite so widely or exclusively as many of my friends in EEWC for whom it is the one name that provides the most meaning and liber...
In “Le Morte D’Arthur”, Queen Guinevere and Elaine of Astolat are two fair ladies whose names are closely related to their love for Sir Lancelot. Elaine devotes herself to the selfless love for Lancelot without hesitation and dies heartbroken with lovingly sorrowful prayers. Guinevere sustains...
“the strength of the reproductive force… irradiates every part of the frame… when disordered by whatsoever cause, it becomes capable of carrying confusion into every department, where it may rave and rage in its caprice and fury.” The hysterical woman was made crazy by this congestion and...
Derived from Latin meaning “a current of air, wind, breath, the vital principle, life, soul,”the Anima refers tothe unconscious feminine dimension of a malewhich is often forgotten or repressed in daily life. As it’s generally considered taboo to embrace one’s inner female side as a ...
That Schreber, largely on his own, was able to nd his way back from his own crisis is a testament to his strength, integrity and, above all, hope that what he was experiencing was not for nothing. Schreber's eVort throughout the rest of his stay at Sonnenstein, and even after his ...
Because although goodness without strength is impotent, strength without goodness is evil. My challenge to you is simple. For the next 7-days, I want you to wake up and ask yourself one question, “What good can I do today?” Then go and do it. Whether it’s paying for a stranger’...
The imagery of the eagle has always been identified with the qualities of strength, courage, nobility and dignity, which accords with Ptolemy's belief that its stars are of the nature of Mars and Jupiter. Manilius illustrates the Martian trait in his description of those born under its influenc...