Throw away your checklist and put your ear to her heart and listen. Hear the names, the prayers, the songs of every living thing-every winged one, every furry and scaled one, every underground and underwater one, every green and flowering one, every not yet born and dying one… Hear th...
At the end of Love's Victorie characters who represent Sir Philip Sidney and Lady Penelope die a mock death that represents the spiritual death her forced marriage caused, and then with the aid of Venus they are resurrected to live happily ever after. Although Love's Victorie is an ...
It also helps to realize that God has many names, and I think of Sophia as but one of these many names for God although I actually tend not to use it quite so widely or exclusively as many of my friends in EEWC for whom it is the one name that provides the most meaning and liber...
In “Le Morte D’Arthur”, Queen Guinevere and Elaine of Astolat are two fair ladies whose names are closely related to their love for Sir Lancelot. Elaine devotes herself to the selfless love for Lancelot without hesitation and dies heartbroken with lovingly sorrowful prayers. Guinevere sustains...
The Alchemy Movement - Sacred Feminine Shamanic Portal offers various Shamanic Energy Medicine Sessions, Containers, Courses, Workshops and Retreats through which to access your journey of Inner Alchemy and transformation. Isa Ka Ra is a certified Shama
Veils, like names, may be employed for a variety of purposes. Sometimes people veil a subject to hide it from others; other times, at least in part, so they themselves don’t have to look too closely at it and the ways it refuses to fit itself to their ideas. Lest they have to lo...
Who Is Freya And Her Other Names The symbol of war, death, love, beauty, and fertility, Freya is the beloved goddess from the Norse mythology (Scandinavia, Nordic countries). Daughter to the principal god of Vanir Njord, Freya is an honorary member of the Aesir gods. ...
A child, born in France in 1881, too early acquainted with death and loss. begins a lifelong search for something that will last. With the soul of a poet, with eyes drawing in the beauty of nature as he walks with his father through the hills surrounding their home in Auvergne, the yo...
Lars von Trier's 2009 film Antichrist, produced by the Danish company Zentropa, tells a story of parental loss, mourning, and despair that follow, and ostensibly result from, the tragic death of a child. The film stars two protagonists, identified by impersonal gendered names as She (...
Legend tells of his birth as an old man and his death as baby. The glory of this backward trajectory was that Merlin never had to worry about his future; it had already happened! We can play with this magic ourselves, by pretending our future is already in our past. It works like ...