York University (Canada).Barry, Sheila Marie.York University (Canada).Versions of the feminine:Gender construction in the novels of Henry James and Edith Wharton.". Barry,Sheila Marie. . 1989
"In the beginning the Infinite only existed called Aditi. Infinite dwelt A U M whose name must precede all prayers and invocations." James Churchward continues . . . "A U M conveys identically the same meaning and conception as the Mysterious Writing and Niven's Mexican tablet No. 2379. Th...
The divine name of the Almighty is consistently renderedYHWH6,876 times in this FTV Bible, rather thanJehovahas it appears in the American Standard Version, or rather thanLORDas it appears mostly in the King James Bible, and many others. In Greek these letters of God are called the Tetragr...
Your Name or Alias Your Email Address ( your email address will not be published) Enter Your Comment ( no code or urls allowed, text only please ) Login to Leave a Comment Now I Know Why Leftists Promoted Common Core Math Babylon Bee, Editorials, Op-Ed & Politics Under Fl...
Finnegans Wake Laura Lovejoy School of English, University College Cork, Cork, Ireland; laura.lovejoy@ucd.ie Received: 10 June 2017; Accepted: 31 July 2017; Published: 4 August 2017 Abstract: Female characters frequently appear as animals in the unstable universe of James Joyce's a Finnegans ...
Click here for details… Amazon.co.uk;Amazon.com;goodreads ∞ Alina Meridonis the fabledcity of silver spireslocated at the heart of my novelKings of Infinite Space. This is an epic fantasy full of gods, wizards, and other magical themes. The main character is Hrana, a vampire, but the...
Thus, Sophia turns out to be a mystical name for Russia, which is meant to enter into a mystical marriage with the Antichrist-West (which thereby becomes aware of its own Christian origin and is therefore redeemed)—with “West” referring more to the Westernized Russian intelligentsia...
Some scientists call that first something, the “big bang”, an explosion that sent matter hurtling out across space in an ecstasy of movement that continues to this day, still to be seen in the deep heart of the Universe in photos taken by the James Webb Telescope. The cosmologist Brian ...
Hall's appointment is to be made by James H. Billington, the Librarian of Congress. Mr. Billington said that he chose Mr. Hall because of "the sustained quality of his poetry, the reach and the variety of things he talks about." Like Mr. Kooser, Mr. Billington said, Mr. Hall "...
James C. DuffyBruce RidingerKluwer Academic Publishers-Plenum PublishersSex RolesJames C. Duffy,Bruce Ridinger.  Stereotyped connotations of masculine and feminine names[J]. Sex Roles . 1981 (1)Duffy, James C., and Bruce Ridinger. 1981. Stereotyped connotations of masculine and feminine ...