White US participants (N = 419) completed a racial identity measure and read about a White male supervisor’s alleged workplace sexual harassment (with violence) of a Black or White female subordinate. The supervisor was portrayed with characteristics to elicit perceptions of high or low ...
As a result, 4.79% of the viable pollens of 'Eureka' lemon were identified as the 2n pollen with a larger diameter (70.16 卤 3.92 m). The 2n pollen might be resulted from the formation of parallel spindles at meiosis stage II. Among the 204 plantlets regenerated...
Usually, protagonists are reincarnated in early adulthood, but manhwa focused on childhood is also very popular. In this story, the main character is reborn as an orphan who is picked up by the famous Duke Voreoti, the male lead of a popular novel. She is adopted by the duke and is giv...
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Sex specificity. We used only female Fischer 344 rats in the present study as they have been shown to better regulate body mass during endurance training than their male counterparts (Oscai et al. 1971; Mazzeo et al. 1984). However, we did not include males in the present study (unlike ...
These results to understand the mechanism underlying 2n gamete formation in lemon are valuable for its efficient polyploid breeding.doi:10.1007/s11816-019-00525-4Xie, Kai-DongXia, Qiang-MingPeng, JunWu, Xiao-MengXie, Zong-ZhouChen, Chun-Li...
ESTIMATING BODY COMPOSITION WITH BIOIMPEDANCE IN MALE AND FEMALE RATS ACROSS THE LIFE SPANAn abstract is unavailable. This article is available as a PDF only.doi:10.1249/00005768-199505001-01161RogersM.E.CortrightR.N.SinningW.E.LemonMedicine & Science in Sports & Exercise...
ESTIMATING BODY COMPOSITION WITH BIOIMPEDANCE IN MALE AND FEMALE RATS ACROSS THE LIFE SPAN: 1161Rogers, M. E.Cortright, R. N.Sinning, W. E.Lemon, P. W.R.Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise
Effects of long-term exposure of lemon essential oil odor on behavioral, hormonal and neuronal parameters in male and female rats. Brain Res. 2004;1001(1):78-86.CECCARELLI, I.; LARIVIERE W.R.; FIORENZANI P.; SACERDOTE P.; ALOISI A.M. Effects of long-term exposure of lemon essential...
E. 1991. Song as an attractant for male and female European starlings, and the influence of song complexity on their response. Behay. EcoL SociobioL., 28, 97-100.w19x D.J. Mountjoy, R.E. Lemon, Song as an attractant for male and female European starlings, and the influence of song ...