Within six months of being paired with another male, the dominant fish had grown its preoptic area to a size that made it indistinguishable from the same region in other female anemonefish brains. "After six months, this part of the brain is completely changed from a male brain to a female...
Female External Genital Organs and Women's Health Issues - Learn about from the MSD Manuals - Medical Consumer Version.
Female Supplementswhich can greatly improve libido, vaginal lubrication and sexual arousal for women in menopause, especially when combined with a stimulant cream. Women who havenever experienced female orgasmat all, most frequently because their sexual organs have not learned to respond to stimulation....
All of the external female genital organs togetherare called thevulva(外阴). This includes the large outerlabia majora and small inner labia minora that enclose the openings of thevagina(阴道)and theurethra(尿道). It also covers the clitoris and the...
Chevalier-Skolnikoff, S. Male-Female, Female-Female, and Male-Male sexual behavior in the stumptail monkey, with special attention to the female orgasm.Arch Sex Behav3, 95–116 (1974). https://doi.org/10.1007/BF01540994 Download citation ...
Female reproductive organs: want to learn more about it? Our engaging videos, interactive quizzes, in-depth articles and HD atlas are here to get you top results faster. What do you prefer to learn with? Videos Quizzes Both “I would honestly say that Kenhub cut my study time in ...
All other harmful procedures to the female genitalia organs for nontherapeutic purposes b. Narrowing of the vaginal orifice with covering by cutting and appositioning the labia minora and/or the labia majora, with or without excision of the clitoris c. Partial or total removal of the clitoris a...
The meat productivity of cattle is higher in specialized beef breeds. Meat cattle fatten more rapidly than dairy breeds, yielding a larger dressed weight and better quality meat. When cattle are fattened, fat is deposited not only on the internal organs and carcass but also inside the muscle ti...
The vagina is lined with a mucous membrane, kept moist by fluids produced by cells on its surface and by secretions from glands in the cervix. A small amount of these fluids may pass to the outside as a clear or milky white vaginal discharge, which is normal. During a ...
Differential susceptibility of male and female Oncomelania hupensis quadrasi infected with Schistosoma japonicum Two males and two females of Yamia watasei Kishida, 1920 were collected on the island of Lanyu (Taiwan). The male (neotype) is described for the first time... FG Claveria,FJ Etges ...