2005 . Chromosomal difference between male and female trees of Ginkgo biloba examined by karyotype analysis and mapping of rDNA on the chromosomes by fluorescence in situ hybridization . Journal of the Japanese Society for Horticultural Science 74 : 275 – 280 ....
in central Hungary ca. 50 km south of Budapest. This area contained a dense network of narrow irrigation and flood-relief channels. The channels were typically surrounded by banks that were 2 to 5 m high and covered with trees and bushes on one...
Ornaments are generally less elaborate in females than in males1,2. One explanation for this disparity is that female ornamentation evolved as a nonadaptive by-product of selection on male ornaments (i.e., indirect selection via cross-sex genetic correlations1,3,4). However, ornaments are gener...
Whether or not females benefit from mating with more than one male remains equivocal. Focusing on amphibians and reptiles, our analyses demonstrate that female salamanders produced more offspring when mated with multiple males, whereas this was not the case for reptiles. Unlike many other species in...
Under laboratory conditions in this study, the average number of eggs laid by each sexual female without mating with male aphids was 3. Only trophoblast cells were observed in the whole ovaries of the 2nd instar sexual female nymph (Fig. 2 F). In the ovaries of the 3rd instar sexual ...
guest how to tell the male of seawater or trees from the female. The young man thought it over in the cauldron's come up with an answer. The monk then explained that for the seawater, bilions (豆泡) are male and waves are female because males are usually bigger than females. For tree...
Within the paddocks there were boulders, trees, raised ground, and two pools. Hay nets were provided on crane structures. The indoor house substrate consisted of deep sand that was shaped into mounds for elephants to rest against at night. Inside the house, another two hay nets were hung, ...
(Figure 6.8A,B). When this happens, the microspore is transformed to an immature, endosporic male gametophyte orpollen grain(Chapter 5). The generative cell divides one time, producingtwo sperm cells(Figure 6.8A). Pollen grains are shed in either a two- or three-celled condition, depending...
Male flower mantises, however, remained small and mobile to facilitate mate-finding and reproductive success, consistent with ancestral male life strategy. Although moderate sexual size dimorphisms are common in many arthropod lineages, the predominant explanation is female size increase for increased ...
Female-female associations ended sooner at Tuanan than male-female associations; at Suaq this difference was less pronounced (Fig.3). We could not find any difference in association maintenance probability between the two male morphs (unflanged vs. flanged) (Table4). Associations were maintained ...