Samar Audio AL39tracks the U87 very closely in frequency response over the vocal range. Like all of these ribbons, the AL39 has more low bass than the U87. Unlike most of them, it has a flat-to-rising frequency response above 15kHz. ...
Voice category differences were mainly attributable to phonation frequency-based information. Results support the clinical importance of addressing the vocal instrument as it is used in performance. Equally important is the elaboration of a protocol suitable for the singing voice. The given context and ...
we showed that female cuckoos responded to playback of females’ bubbling calls (Moskát and Hauber2019). In that experiment, about half of the female cuckoos moved closer to the speaker, which suggested that they were directing attention toward the simulated...
In the male, androgens released at puberty are responsible for the male vocal frequency, an octave lower than that of a child. Premenstrual vocal syndrome is characterized by vocal fatigue, decreased range, a loss of power and loss of certain harmonics. The syndrome usually starts some 4-5 ...
A model without the high-frequency band elicited no detectable response, the subject continuing to sing normally from the same perch. These results support the hypothesis that the spectral balance of the song can be used for range determination. The poor correlation between the measured song ...
Kittens per litter: Average 3.7, range 1-5 (research colony); 4.6 ± 1.7 (pedigreed) Number of litters/year: Average 2-2.5; range 1-3 Age at puberty—male: 7-18 months Age at puberty—female: 4-18 months Estrus is defined as behavioral receptivity to mating. This stage may last from...
ULTRASONIC vocalisations commonly occur during social interactions among rodents. During mating, adult male and female rats (Rattus norvegicus) emit brief 50–60 kHz ultrasonic calls1; however, the function of these vocalisations is not known. In this study, we demonstrate that these mating calls ...
Objective: Classification of voices into types depends on several factors: physiological — the size of the laryngeal and vocal tracts; acoustic—musically acceptable vocal range; position of formants; and properties of timbre. The aim of the study is to verify whether a group of experienced ...
Bonobo females frequently form close bonds, which give them social power over other group members. One potential mechanism to facilitate female bonding is the performance of sexual interactions. Using naturalistic observations and experiments, we found v
with an increased vocal effort by analyzing the length and F0 frequency of great call notes that immediately precedehigh notes, versus great call notes that do not, predicting that (v)high noteswill follow longer, higher pitched great call climax notes that span a wider frequency range. ...