Video Game Info Updated January 16, 2025 618.3K views 250 items Ranked By 357.5K votes 28.0K voters 49 reranks Voting Rules Vote up the greatest female video game characters ever. Step into the digital arena where the leading ladies of video gaming take the spotlight. This list pays homage...
We're listing theworst video game characterswho also happen to be women. They're not bad because they're female, they're bad because they're underwritten. Who are the worstfemale video game characters? These 10 examples will provide you a foundation to see what fictional ladies aren't up ...
Many iconic female video game characters have left a lasting impression on gamers worldwide. These strong and independent women have inspired gamers of all ages and genders, proving that anyone can save the world (or galaxy) no matter what their gender is. Samus Aran, Princess Zelda, Lara Cro...
Aloy (Horizon Zero Dawn) Dans un monde post-apocalyptique, Aloy se distingue par ses cheveux roux et ses yeux bleus perçants. Chasseuse émérite et porteuse d'espoir, elle est un personnage très attachant. Tracer (Overwatch) Avec sa personnalité vibrante et ses capacités de manipula...
Despite making up over half of the world’s population, women have been criminally underutilized as video game characters, especially in the role of protagonist. In the early days, women in video games were mainly used as plot devices — princesses in need of saving and the like — but a...
Celebrate Women’s Day with Amazing Female Video Game Characters 10. Malenia From Elden Ring Screenshot by GameSkinny One of the many demigods inElden Ring, Malenia has never known defeat. However, her strength doesn’t come from combat prowess alone. Having been born with Scarlet Rot, Mal...
on names, and we’re not necessarily implying that any of the characters listed hereactlike pornstars. Instead of ranking them from best to worst, we’re simply listing them in alphabetical order. This list is anything but exhaustive, so leave a comment if there are any characters we ...
Let’s face it: female video game characters are not often praised for their mettle. Indeed, you’re far more likely to find lists about the top ten most sexy female video game characters than those can kick ass. Countless odes to boob physics aside, I t
Lara Croft? Alyx Vance? Bayonetta? They're all in our list of the 12 best, most inspirational female characters in video games
Although such a feat is not easy to achieve, it allows fans to relate to some of them and form deeper bonds with said characters, ultimately getting them more invested in their story and the game, by extension. So, while this is our list of the best female characters in the game, you...