Female-to-male gender-confirming surgery consists of facial masculinization, chest masculinization, body contouring, and genital surgery Metoidioplasty (hypertrophy with systemic hormones and mobilization of the clitoris with urethroplasty) can produce a sensate microphallus Phalloplasty can produce an aes...
Women were examined who identified as males from their childhood and were labeled as adults, female-to-male transsexuals. As adults they became pregnant and at times raised their children. The 11 women reared 14 boys and 6 girls. Most women felt they were coerced into pregnancy. The majority...
This study investigated whether undifferentiated germ and/or somatic stem cells remain in the differentiated ovary of a species that does not undergo sex changes under natural conditions and retain their sexual plasticity. The effect of aromatase inhibit
BACKGROUND: The XX male disorder of sex development (DSD) is a rare condition that is most commonly associated with the presence of the SRY gene on one of the X chromosomes due to unequal crossing-over between sex chromosomes during spermatogenesis. However, in about 20% of the XX male ind...
We studied a North American sample of female-to-male (FtM) transsexuals sexually attracted to men, aiming to understand their identity and sexuality in the context of a culture of transgender empowerment. Sex-reassigned FtM transsexuals, 18 years or older and attracted to men, were recruited via...
TGCD STYLE TORONTO's Jamie B. is a professional feminization makeup artist of over 10 years. Explore beauty, wigs, shapewear, style consulting, and confidence mentoring. Located in the Greater Toronto Area serving trans women, cross dressers, and gender
Within six months of being paired with another male, the dominant fish had grown its preoptic area to a size that made it indistinguishable from the same region in other female anemonefish brains. "After six months, this part of the brain is completely changed from a male brain to a female...
This is believed to be the first report of a canine intersex dog showing male to female sex reversal. Further investigations should identify the autosome and the breaking points of the chromosomal rearrangement. These investigations potentially add to our knowledge of autosomal and X-linked loci ...
The device has a stop unit for preventing sliding of a male tube (3) with respect to female tube (1), where an external diameter of the female tube is lower than an internal diameter of the male tube. Bosses (4) are provided inside the female tube for causing translation blocking by ...
We understand that deciding to change your gender fromMale to Femaleis a life long dream,commitment and investment so our job is to match you with the best doctors and surgeons in Thailand. After you gather the information and decide to commit, we will help you arrange the details to ensure...