Leia Organa, famously known as Princess Leia, is a character created by George Lucas, first introduced to audiences in the original Star Wars film (Episode IV: A New Hope) in 1977. Born as Leia Skywalker, she becomes a princess, a fierce leader in the Rebel Alliance, and...
Misty, a beloved character from the Pokémon video game series and the anime, is known as both a gym leader of Cerulean City and a traveling companion of the series' protagonist, Ash Ketchum. She is a water-type Pokémon trainer, often seen with her loyal Starmie and Psyduck. Known for...
for the most part, been the main characters of these stories, and, stereotypically at least, been the biggest fans of the franchise. All along, though, Star Wars has had compelling female characters that were well worth rooting for or vilifying. ...
Interestingly, director Katsutoshi Sasaki described Hilde as the “most alluring” female character in the game, which I suppose just goes to show that having all the goods on display isn’t the only way to create sex appeal (that, or he got bored with all the breasts). 7 Lara Croft ...
In the end, Leia remains my favorite female Star Wars character, my favorite princess, and really just an overall favorite in general. 71. Professor McGonagall "Transfiguration is some of the most complex and dangerous magic you will learn at Hogwarts. Anyone messing around in my class will...
Initially booked for two episodes and five lines, she caught Beau Willimon's eye; soon, she was developed into a major character. She also played Abby Isaacs for two seasons on the TV drama series "Manhattan."She first appeared on stage in 2009 in "Up" at the Steppenwolf Theater, ...
Jeremy DreyfussIan Phillips
After nearly tearing apart reality itself just to steal her own children from another universe in Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness, no one will be rushing to include Wanda Maximoff in the list of female Avenger character names anytime soon. Although Wanda has proven that she is far...
The report reveals that William Morris Endeavor (WME) talent agentAdriana Alberghettihas secured meetings for four women directors and three female screenwriters to potentially work on unspecifiedStar Warsprojects. While no specific names were mentioned, the agent represents female directors such as Sarah...
Here's my character! Oddly enough I find this outfit more classy instead of it being something you'd typically see at the Vanilla Unicorn. She looks like she's going to the beach! Very cool no you know whats crazy real life men with female avatars!