The2 most highly sensitiveparts of the G Spot, once you accurately know the map of her anatomy How to blend some of the7 different kinds of female orgasms, from clitoral to cervical and beyond How you can share a series of tasteful anddetailed video clips of real women ejaculatingthat you...
Vulvalicious Arousal Anatomy Get your free Vulvalicious Arousal Anatomy ebook and discover the wonderful secrets of your intimate terrain. Email Send it to me Vulvalicious Goodies Join ‘the Vulvalation’ and contribute to a revolution in consciousness around female sexuality. Treat yourself to one...
您的浏览器不支持Video标签。 Product Details Outline Female Internal & External Genital Organ Model isn't just a static display, it's an interactive gateway to unlocking the intricacies of female anatomy and the crucial skill of catheterization. Whether you're a student, educator, medical profession...
(movies, TV and internet). This sexual education covers basic anatomy and some preconceived ideas about what sexual performance should look like. Unfortunately this, combined with ‘good girl/bad girl’ upbringing and possible religious dogma around self-pleasuring has mislead most women to feel ...
Hosting a so-called workshop, Madison does her white-coater thing, lecturing the cast about female human anatomy regarding ejaculation. Most of her presentation is true, and sets the stage for several scenes of her lesbian cast fingering their way to ejaculation on the quantity level of a "we...
您的浏览器不支持Video标签。 Outline The model simulates the lower abdomen and pelvis of an adult female with true-to-life size and texture of pudendum and perineum. It facilitates the practice of catheterization. Skills Gained · Familiar with the anatomy ...
You may be wondering "If all women are capable, then why is itthat many women have never done it?" This is a very goodquestion, and is easily explained. Let’s begin with reviewingsome basic information about the female anatomy to betterunderstand how this works. ...
She gives interesting and undoubtedly scientific-based facts about female anatomy and how secretions create the "I'm wet!" phenomenon familiar in porn, while continuing the myth of vast fountains of Female Ejaculation, which is merely a Golden Shower or turkey-baster primed emitting of Poland ...
Parts of the Pistil: Style The style is a long filament that connects the stigma to the ovules inside the ovary at the flower base. Styles will vary in length and size from flower to flower. This is because the anatomy of a flower will vary depending on the vector of pollination...
Anatomy(2000) (akaAnatomie- original German title). A German-made film dubbed into English, where at the climax of the film, Gretchen (Anna Loos) has been dissected, injected with a preservative that "rubberized" her blood and tissues and has been mounted for display. The psychopath responsib...