Female-oriented male–male erotica is a genre of popular culture known by several names, predominantly Boys’ Love (BL), yaoi, and, in Mainland China, danmei. BL presents in manga, light novels, anime, video games, fan art, and fan fiction, amongst others. Its defining theme is romantic...
We learn she acted like a petulant child while in the military. We learn she wants to be a mommy so bad she responds to distress signals with idiotic names like "Baby's Cry". We learn that she apparently doesn't know what an emotion is, has never met one, or seen one, or has he...
Female social dominance (FSD) over males is unusual in mammals, yet characterizes most Malagasy lemurs, which represent almost 30% of all primates. Despite its prevalence in this suborder, both the evolutionary trajectory and proximate mechanism of FSD r
the fact that their names are in the register does not automatically mean that they were professional sex workers . Although all sexual relations outside marriage were a sin in the eyes of the Church and a crime in the eyes of
Gender-Guesser is viewed as one of the most advanced tools for predicting gender from first names and has been widely used in relevant literature (Squazzoni et al., 2021; Zhang et al., 2022). This tool classifies gender into six categories based on the first names: “male”, “female”...
Note that I said "habitually" and that's important. A given individual who habitually has sex with only one other individual may occasionally break that rule. This does not mean that the rule is gone, or that a common pattern is of no relevance. This does not matter a lot to the prese...
mate." Frame’s words highlight McCoy's vital role in shaping the success of Australian country music over the years. A passionate advocate for country music, McCoy has been instrumental in bringing the genre into the Australian mainstream and helping it earn a prominent place on national music...
for those female directors that are members of the audit committee and have financial expertise. Independent female directors offset the increased likelihood of fraud in the presence of powerful CEOs, suggesting that the impact of their contribution is more valuable when there is managerial entrenchment...
but in its analysis, the article primarily draws on examples from the classical period of Sufi history. Based on an analysis of the thought of key Sufi figures from that period, the assertion is made that the ground of the sacred is female and, as such, the basis of mystical experience ...
Since the chief of MI6 is the only member of the agency who is named or permitted to speak in public, and because all of them have been men, this is the first time that female SIS officers have ever spoken on the record. I have agreed to change their names and omit certain details ...