The concept of nations as feminine and exiles as masculine in their work is also explored.EBSCO_AspCallaloo
Keenleyside MHA, Rangeley RW, Kuppers BU (1985) Female mate choice and male parental defense behaviour in the cichlid fish Cichlasoma nigrofasciatum. Can J Zool 63:2489-2493Keenleyside, M. H. A., Rangeley, R. W. & Kuppers, B. U. 1985. Female mate choice and male parental defense ...
Male-female parental roles in Herotilapia multispinosa (Pisces: Cichlidae). Animal Behaviour, 26, 520-526.Smith-Grayton, P. , and M. H. A. Keenleyside ( 1978 ): Male-female parental roles in Hero-tilapia multispinosa (Pisces: Cichlidae) . Anim. Behav. 26 , 520 – 526 ....
Publizistik - Chatbots have in recent years increasingly been used by organizations to interact with their customers. Interestingly, most of these chatbots are gendered as female, displaying...Bastiansen, Mathilde H. A.Graduate School of Communication, University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, The ...
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