This film, noted for its exploration of materialistic culture and the dark underbelly of American society, is a stark portrayal of a man's descent into madness. Directed by Mary Harron, the movie offers a disturbing glimpse into the mind of a killer concealed beneath a veneer of sophist...
bateman's double life spirals out of control as his homicidal tendencies escalate. this film, noted for its exploration of materialistic culture and the dark underbelly of american society, is a stark portrayal of a man's descent into madness. directed by mary harron, the movie offers a...
There’s been no shortage of sex appeal on the WTA Tour over the years, but who are the hottest female tennis players actively playing right now? Look at my top list below, which features some of the finest players in the game today. This post has received a big update for 2024, with...
Oh, and then there’s the baby. I know. Now that’s madness that becomes chaos. (My chaos is 19 and in college and thinks he knows everything.) If you want a fun read with more heart than a witch knew she had, character development and a story that does a great job of surprisin...
Women’s basketball is at an all-time high. From viewership reaching record-breaking numbers during the NCAA March Madness tournament to a recent wave of WNBA athletes receiving their own signature silhouettes, the time is now to invest in the women’s game...
March Madness Brackets Set, Duke Heavy Favorite, Dolphins Sign Ryan Fitzpatrick March 18th, 2019 | Category: Uncategorized BASKETBALL March Madness brackets are set. 68 teams will compete for the NCAA 2019 championship. The Big Ten landed eight spots, the most bids of any region, followed by...
World Cup madness has officially begun, and for the next month, fans will celebrate or cry, and we’ll hear that annoying vuvuzela (in fact, during a pre-game parade in Moscow, an actual Bear was playing the instrument while riding a float, creating an angry outpouring on twitter). The...
bateman's double life spirals out of control as his homicidal tendencies escalate. this film, noted for its exploration of materialistic culture and the dark underbelly of american society, is a stark portrayal of a man's descent into madness. directed by mary harron, the movie offers a ...
This film, noted for its exploration of materialistic culture and the dark underbelly of American society, is a stark portrayal of a man's descent into madness. Directed by Mary Harron, the movie offers a disturbing glimpse into the mind of a killer concealed beneath a veneer of sophistica...
This film, noted for its exploration of materialistic culture and the dark underbelly of American society, is a stark portrayal of a man's descent into madness. Directed by Mary Harron, the movie offers a disturbing glimpse into the mind of a killer concealed beneath a veneer of sophisti...