CFChart Field CFConcept Feasibility CFCompress-and-Forward(networking) CFConfinement Factor CFContinental Freight(trucking company) CFCounts Fingers(used with the 20/ scale after c. 20/400; ophthalmology) CFConstruction Forces CFClearance Facility ...
female athletes can think of their hydration needs in two buckets: daily maintenance hydration and pre-, intra-, and post-exercise hydration. Recommendations specific for female athletes are lacking; thus, when interpreting data and guidelines from predominately male studies, ...
SDOH: Sociocultural determinants of health NHANES III: The Third National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey BMI: Body mass index DM: Diabetes Mellitus CHD: Coronary heart disease OR: Odds ratio CI: Confidence interval PIR: Power impact ratio RAAS: Renin-angiotensin-aldosterone ...
Body weight was measured with minimum clothing to 0.01 kg using an electronic scale integral to the air-displacement plethysmography instrumentation (see below). Height was measured to 1 mm using a wall-mounted stadiometer (Holtain, Dyfed, UK). BMI was calculated as weight/height2. Circum...
In Slim type of BMI, the group of excessive development of muscle mass classified by standard polynomial regression evaluation chart was superior to other groups in 20-meter shuttle run. Significant difference was not shown in all items of physical strength in normal and fatty type of BMI. In ...
Recently, high prevalence of shoulder problems has been reported in both senior male and female elite players [1, 6, 16]. However, there is no study that has investigated the prevalence of shoulder problems among adolescent elite handball players, including potential associations with gender, ...
Question: Use SPSS to create a bar graph using gender (axis X) and height (axis Y). Data Set: Men: 74, 71, 75, 62 Female: 62, 68, 61, 71, 68, 80 SPSS: SPSS stands for the name statistical package for social science, the...
In addition, to qualify for study inclusion, a semen analysis from the patient’s male partner or donor had to meet the World Health Organization criteria (sperm concentration >20 × 106/mL, >50% motility, and normal morphology >30%) within 12 months of entry into the study. The protocol...
Methods A retrospective chart review was performed for 97 consecutive masculinizing mastectomies by a single surgeon using the double incision and free nipple graft technique (DIFNG). Surgical outcomes were collected using electronic records and patient-reported outcomes using BODY-Q questionnaires. ...
West however, (who ranks 6th on the overall artists chart), has all but fallen off the radar since the VMAs debacle. His tour withLady Gagawas quickly cancelled, as the rapper retreated to take time away from the spotlight (though he surfaced in the tabloids briefly in October when an ...