Gamora, known as the "Most Dangerous Woman in the Universe," is a Marvel Comics character first appearing in Strange Tales #180, created by Jim Starlin in 1975. A former assassin and the adopted daughter of the intergalactic warlord Thanos, Gamora's journey spans from her dark...
Also ranks #1 on The Most Powerful Mutants In The Marvel Universe 10 Barbara Gordon DC Universe 5,663 votes Barbara Gordon, also known as Batgirl and Oracle, is a fearless and intelligent superhero in the DC Comics universe. As the daughter of Commissioner Gordon, she dedicates her ...
she is the asgardian goddess of death, former executioner of asgard and older sister of thor and loki. in the film, she is played by cate blanchett, who also voices hela in the marvel television series “what if…?” jean grey jean grey is a mutant on the x-men and one of the ...
While bringing her back to life would be complicated, she would hardly be the first character to come back from the dead, and Mighty Thor came back to life in the comics, further justifying this prospect. The MCU is known for playing fast and loose with the Marvel canon and its own, so...
This is a woman who has taken on all. Valkyrie didn't back down from Thor, Hulk, Loki, or even Thanos. She's as strong as they come and now holds the crown as the new leader of Asgard.Valkyrie has become a fan favorite among Marvel fans for her tactics. ...
A former Russian spy-turned-SHIELD agent, her acrobatic fighting skills, espionage expertise, and quick wit are invaluable in the battle against Loki and his invading alien forces. The high-stakes action, interwoven character arcs, and witty banter make this Marvel blockbuster an exhilarating and ...
Given her mutation, can match the strongest hero or villain in Marvel's multiverse One of the first Marvel Comics women to get mainstream attention thanks to the 90sX-Menanimated series, Rogue has one of the most interesting powers in the comics, making her formidable against any threat. ...
That might even be how the MCU finally introduces Beta Ray Bill, a Korbinite warrior who's famed for wielding both Mjolnir and Stormbreaker in the comics. Marvel's long wanted to find a way to introduce him - in fact, Beta Ray Bill almost appeared in Thor: Ragnarok - but has never ...
Gamora, known as the "Most Dangerous Woman in the Universe," is a Marvel Comics character first appearing in Strange Tales #180, created by Jim Starlin in 1975. A former assassin and the adopted daughter of the intergalactic warlord Thanos, Gamora's journey spans from her dark...
Gamora, known as the "Most Dangerous Woman in the Universe," is a Marvel Comics character first appearing in Strange Tales #180, created by Jim Starlin in 1975. A former assassin and the adopted daughter of the intergalactic warlord Thanos, Gamora's journey spans from her dark...