Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines Arnold Schwarzenegger, Nick Stahl, Claire Danes 75 votes The third installment in the iconic sci-fi franchise introduces a new antagonist, the T-X (played by Kristanna Loken), a deadly and highly advanced cyborg assassin sent from the future to eliminate key...
She first appeared in the 1984 science fiction film The Terminator. As an ordinary woman whose life takes a drastic turn when she becomes the target of a time-traveling cyborg, Sarah evolves across the series into a resilient warrior, dedicated to protecting her son, John Connor...
In 720 min total sampling time, 28 vertebrate species were identified, with 42% of flies containing vertebrate resources: 23% DNA, 5% feces, and 14% contained both. The species of blow fly used was not important for vertebrate DNA recovery, however the use of female flies versus male ...
A programmer at a Toronto TV station that specializes in adult entertainment searches for the producers of a dangerous and bizarre broadcast. 34. Terminator Zero 2024–TV-MA 7.0(11K) Rate TV Series 2022: A future war has raged for decades between the few human survivors and an endless army ...
WARNING: The wire and metal parts of this product can expose you to lead, a chemical which is known to the State of California to cause cancer and birth defects or other reproductive harm. This warning is posted because of the legal requirements of the State of California. For more informat...
One insert, with SfiI and NheI ends, encoded the puromycin resistance gene pac under the control of the AGAP004395 promoter; the other insert, with NheI/NotI ends, encoded SV40 terminator, followed by GFP under the control of the AGAP003430 promoter (both promoters drive expression in the ...
Carrie Fisher’s Leia Organa exemplifies moxy, and from the second she’s broken out of her prison aboard the Death Star she’s calling the shots. She eventually goes on to lead the Rebellion against the Empire and later becomes a General in the Resistance against the First Order. ...
"the female lead in the play"; "a female chorus" 学习怎么用 词汇搭配 用作形容词 (adj.) ~+名词 female animal雌性动物 female elephant母象 female charm女性的魅力 用作名词 (n.) 形容词+~ slatternly female懒婆娘 elegant female举止文雅的女人 ...
From an Oscar-winning performance of a kidnapped victim to playing the lead in the first female-led superhero movie, Captain Marvel, Larson has been breaking gender norms and shattering stereotypes. She has been working fiercely towards inclusivity and diversity in Hollywood.Recommended Lists: ...
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