Initially portrayed as a British psychic and martial artist, Psylocke's consciousness was later transferred into the body of a Japanese ninja, merging her psychic powers with formidable combat skills. As a member of the X-Men and X-Force, she is a skilled warrior known for her deadl...
In video games she is voiced by Laura Bailey in English, Jessie Seely in BloodRayne: Betrayal, and Romi Park in Japanese. She was portrayed by Kristanna Loken in the first live action film, and by Natassia Malthe for its sequels. Also ranks #28 on The Best Jumping Characters In Gaming ...
Japanese Title嘆きの健康優良児 Japanese Studio Nameピンクパイナップル English Studio NamePink Pineapple Companies Involved (Add) Content RatingA - Adult Genre Tags (Add)hentai,yuri Release Date1994/08/05Friday [View Characters] LinksHome PageEN WikiJP WikiTrends HistoryCompare Anime ...
Other Names 瀬能 ナツル Wealth Role Protagonist From Kampfer Media Type anime Voiced By Marina Inoue, 井上麻里奈, いのうえ まりな Tags fire control, ponytail, bikini Personality Menu Day 42 Character of the Day nominations Week 3 Character of the Week nominations Month 10 Character of...
Hysterical Californians prepare for a Japanese invasion in the days after Pearl Harbor. 42. Enen no Shôbôtai 2019–TV-14 7.6(13K) Rate TV Series A superhuman firefighter force is formed to deal with supernatural fire incidents. 43. Ai no korîda ...
Other Namesリュール, Lueur Wealth21 RoleProtagonist FromFire Emblem ENGAGE Media Typevideo game Voiced ByAya Endou, 遠藤綾, えんどう あや Voiced ByLaura Stahl, , Tagsarmor,heterochromia,multicolour hair,nameable heroine Personality Menu
Japanese: ポイズンアイビー (Poizunaibī, lit. Poison Ivy)Chinese: 毒王 Second AwakeningBlack Widow Alternate Names Poison MasterKorean: 용독문주Chinese: 毒神絕 Neo: AwakeningNeo: Brawler Alternate Names Korean: 진(眞) 스트리트파이터 (Jin Seuteuliteu Paiteo) “ ...
Fixed damage instead of Percent damage Aerial Firehas infinite duration for Female Spitfires Lacks Magazine Drum, leading to inferior ground basic attack string Unique Skill Different Active and Passive awakenings from Male Counterpart New Skills
Japanese nameSecondary typeAttributeTypeLevel/ RankATKDEF Arahime the Manifested Mikanko アラヒメの御巫 LIGHT Fairy 9 0 0 Cerulean Sacred Phoenix of Nephthys ネフティスの蒼凰神 FIRE Winged Beast 8 3000 1000 Conductor of Nephthys ネフティスの繋ぎ手 WIND Spellcaster 2 2000 0...
Japanese Quick Connects (Nitto Kohki) Megaflow and Hi-Flo Quick Connects Miniature 1/8" Quick Connects Propane Natural Gas Quick Connects - Welding, RV, Acetylene Retail Packaged Quick Connects - Industrial, Auto, Aro Safety Venting & Push Button Quick Connects Schrader Quick Connects...