Define female person. female person synonyms, female person pronunciation, female person translation, English dictionary definition of female person. Noun 1. female person - a person who belongs to the sex that can have babies female individual, mortal,
Define Females. Females synonyms, Females pronunciation, Females translation, English dictionary definition of Females. ) adj. 1. a. Of or denoting the sex that produces ova or bears young. b. Characteristic of or appropriate to this sex in humans and ot
having or relating to a gender identity that corresponds to a complex, variable set of social and cultural roles, traits, and behaviors assigned to people of the sex that typically produces egg cells. Biology.of, relating to, or being an animal or human of the sex or sexual phase that nor...
AI generated definition based on:International Encyclopedia of Public Health,2008 About this page Set alert Chapters and Articles You might find these chapters and articles relevant to this topic. Female Genital Mutilation A.Talle, inInternational Encyclopedia of the Social & Behavioral Sciences, 2001...
This article has beenupdated Abstract Males enjoy physical performance advantages over females within competitive sport. The sex-based segregation into male and female sporting categories does not account for transgender persons who experience incongruence between their biological sex and their experienced gen...
One of the factors that has made the understanding of the disease difficult is the definition of the disease itself. Follicular cysts in cattle are usually defined as follicles >2.5 cm in diameter that fail to ovulate and may persist. By the time a follicle can meet the criteria to be ...
The female is essentially“wearing the pants.”A dynamic like this may fit you if your desire is to completely rule your man, who has no problem being almost entirely subjugated. You’ll get to dictate nearly all aspects of his life, including what he wears, ...
Bachmann G, Bancroft J, Braunstein G, et al. FAI: the Princeton consensus statement on definition, classification, and assessment. Fertil Steril. 2002;77:660–5. ArticlePubMedGoogle Scholar Graziottin A. Sexual pain disorders (Dyspareunia and vaginismus). In: Porst H, Buvat J, editors. IS...
Define antifemale. antifemale synonyms, antifemale pronunciation, antifemale translation, English dictionary definition of antifemale. adj opposed to or discriminating against women Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014
Match the type of genital mutilation in the top list with the correct definition in the bottom list. a. Type I b. Type II c. Type III d. Type IV ___ a. All other harmful procedures to the female genitalia organs for nontherapeutic purposes b. Narrowing of the vaginal orifice with c...